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Assalamu alaykum, I know that making friends with non-Muslims is forbidden, but where I live, even in my family, there is no Muslim other than me, and in that case I should not have friends at all, which is impossible! Is the ruling different in my situation? If it isn't different, what should I do?
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assalamu alaikum, I was thinking about giving my non islamic friend a Quran, and help him get into islam. But, he is a homosexual, is this reason for me to be exiled from Islam or will I be ok?thanks
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I sleep in my grandmothers room becouse her husband died recently she says kufr things like may Allah and prophet ? protect you or may dastgeer protect you(sufi saint)can I sleep there is this approving of her apostasy my mother insists me to sleep there
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In hanafi fiqh they say marraige is terminated immediately if someone commits kufr. Can a layman from hanafi background follow the opinion on islamweb that if he repents before wife’s iddah his marraige is intact especially that he feels islamweb is trustworthy. The person is not sure if he committed kufr or not. Kindly give direct answer and not.. More
Is hating scholar opinion kufr? Example, Scholars differ in the ruling of music, then there are people who are not scholars who hate one of their opinions, is he kufr?
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Whoever kills shatime rasul SA is jannat wajib upon him
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I wanted to ask if somebody says out of frustration, “why did Allah create relatives”, what's the ruling on the sentence?
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I said that Allah SWT,His Prophets and the believers are disbelievers (kafirs) in taghut,which means they disbelieve in it as the Quran mentions,does this make me an apostate?
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If one does shirk or kufr and repent from it what happens to his marriage? no one knows this sin except him. what will happen if he does shirk and kufr again? If he needs new marriage contact he has to expose his sins to many people , is it permissible
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Few days ago a boy who is an atheist cursed Islam so I protested and told him that it was wrong. He said sorry to me not to Allah .Though he said sorry to me he didn’t regretted his actions so I stopped talking with him. He is still an atheist who doesn't believe in Islam . Now can I play cricket if he plays too? And can I play with people who still.. More
My question is regarding these three verses of Quran.(3:90,9:66,16:106). Does these three verses mean that an apostate's repentance will never be accepted? Also can you please give me some evidence whether an apostate's repentance is accepted or not from Quran or sunnah?
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Assalam Alaikum Brother , I belong to a muslim family and i have always practice islam in my life and believed in only Allah tala ..But 2 years back i just said to a friend of mine that "yes i will become a non muslim for him and marry him" but that conversation was not serious neither he was ..the matter ended there and we separated he married someone.. More
Salaam alaykum warahmotullah.
Does the rights my mother has towards me and that which I have towards her changes if she becomes a Christian? My Mum became a Christian by marrying a Christian after divorcing my Dad. When I preach to her and reinform her that Islam is the right religion with evidences and examples from the Quran and Hadith she gives.. More
Assalamu alaikum. I have a step brother who left Islam many years ago. He lives abroad. Me and my family still keep in touch and see him. We try to bring him back to Islam when we see him. My family still have a little liking for him because he is family and I am worrying if this makes them kafir?
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Salamualikum, . I have this problem for months now the problem is that i have an urge to laugh on the intrusive thoughts that i get , whenever I am listening to islamic lecture , or fatwa i always have an urge to laugh am very scared of it . What should i do . Will this be an act of apostasy everytime i get .
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