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Salam aleikum. I have 3 children and i been married for 13 years . Before to getting married i told my husband that i dont like men who are married but go out in the night with friends and thats something i wont accept. He Said he does not do those things. But since at least 10 years back , he lives like a teenager. He sleeps all day and in the night.. More
As Salam Alaykum shaikh, i had a question regarding fortune telling, when reading business books or watching videos related to business, the author would say statements like, it is predicted that the demand would reach this point of time at this much time period or you can expect this much production, or this much production can be achieved or this.. More
Several years ago I went to a fortune-teller because of a broken heart. I knew it was haraam, and I visited her two times. Since then I regreted it. I pray to Allah SWT to forgive me. How do I know how much damage did I do to my faith with my thoughtless actions?
May Allah SWT bless you and lead you to all that is good.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. My father's brother does palm reading, believes in stars (that one has such-and-such qualities because they are born in such a period of such a month), does not pray, and does not pay zakah. Can I consider him a Muslim? Will I be sinful if I call him a Muslim? He has not been praying nor paying.. More
Shaikh, with technological advantages, some people are making pictures of future adult/teenager/old-aged faces of a person who is a baby or an infant at present based on the features of the baby's face. Is this some kind of fortune telling? And if a person who prays shows interest in that, are all their prayers invalid for 40 days? How can they continue.. More
I am pregnant by my husband, and there is an old wives' tale about gender prediction that says that if you hold a ring and thread over your stomach you will know whether it is a boy or a girl because of how the ring moves. My husband, who is Muslim, says that he cannot do this and cannot believe in it because it is a form of divination. To me, it is.. More
Asallam u Alaikum, If a person went on a funfair ride which was called 'Zodiac'. Then they realised it was named after the zodiac signs which are shirk, did they have to repent and is this sinful or shirk (naoouzubillah). The person does not believe in any zodiac signs or star signs etc. .. More
I know that if someone goes to a fortune teller their prayer and dua will not be answered for 40 days so my question is regarding what is the ruling on movies or games that are set in the future because most likely the people who made it had to predict stuff about the future for example if they create a game or movie set in the year 2018 will watching.. More
I have a friend who wears a silver ring. Whenever he wants to know anything about himself or anyone of us, he puts this ring in the forefinger (that is raised while saying Tashahhud) of any person and then reads the Surah of Al-Qadr from the Noble Quran. Then he asks any question, for example, if so-and-so did such action raise the forefinger and.. More
Assalam-u-Alaikum. Sheikh i want you to read and analyze this situation carefully. Two days earlier an act of theft took place at my cousins house, and as a result a huge amount of gold and money were stolen. Somebody told my cousin about a man in our surroundings, that he could help you finding out the thief with the help of jinnat. I told.. More
Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullaah wa barakatuh, May Allaah reward you for this service. My question regards the use of internet search engines including Google. Google is a popular search engine where we see many people using it to search for information, however, the company has disclosed that it uses algorithms in its search results to personalize.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, According to Quran (surah jinn), during the reveleation of quran, the jinns are forbidden to overhear the conversation among heavens and they are thus unable to know about future events. Is the same situation continues even to this day?.. More
My uncle visits me at home and browses through horoscope websites. I know that reading horoscopes constitutes disbelief in Allaah The Almighty, but he believes in these things. Should I prevent him from doing so, although I am sure he will be angry with me?.. More
What are the circumstances of people going to soothsayers and what is the ruling of Islam on each?.. More
Is it possible that a trustworthy person interprets a dream that there is a magic spell and the man who is under the effect of the spell must go to a Shaykh to recite some Quran and supplications on him? If yes, I heard that some people take the name of the man affected by the spell and the name of his mother and claim that they can make a recitation.. More
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