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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it true that animals, insects, birds, and so on know of natural disasters before they take place? If there is no evidence about it in Islam but studies say that, can a Muslim believe it? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh.
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Can something besides Allah hear, see, or know something when they are not there? Does a stone or a tree hear, see, or know what is in the heavens, for example? I often think of such questions; I believe that they come from the devil. Please answer me.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is it forbidden in Islam to visit a palm reader? I intend to visit Ketut Liyer, a palm reader, in Bali. I do not believe in palmistry, nor do I even have a curiosity to know what he might tell me. The purpose of that visit will be to meet Ketut Liyer, who appeared in the movie "Eat, Pray and Love"... More
I want to ask about the commentary of Abu Hayyaan Al-Andalusi on verse 188 of Surah Al-A'raf, from Tafsir Al-Bahr Al-Muheet, if not all of it, then please at least tell us a gist of that when he is talking about the people of Egypt regarding their claim of so and so having knowledge of the Unseen. It is very important; I am unable to translate it; I.. More
Is the following statement Shirk (polytheism): Allaah has given the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,special powers, he is all-hearing and all-seeing (omnipresent). With security cameras, we can see different things at the same time; similarly, theProphet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,can see different things at the same time with the powers.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, some of the Barelvis say, “How is it Shirk (polytheism) to say that Muhammed, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,knows the Unseen; everything is written in thePreserved Tabletand the Pen and the Preserved Tablet are part of the creation of Allaah, The Exalted, and they know it given that Allaah,.. More
Salam alaikum, From the hadith of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we know that Dajjal will be killed in Jerusalem. I know ofcourse that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this because he got knowledge by Allah about this.Now I have one question which little confuse me. In surah Luqman is said: ....No person knows what he will earn tomorrow,.. More
Assalam o Alaikum Whenever something precious of ours gets lost, example jewelry or money, there is a maid in my aunt's house who helps us find it (if she can). She has a sort of "Ilm" 1. she tells us an Ayat to keep reciting. 2. She prays at night and goes to sleep, sees something in her dream and tells us "stop looking. it is now lost." or "keep searching.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, Recently there was a vote in our country whether to become independent or not. Some people took a photograph of a cloud which seemed to have the shape of our country breaking away from its neighbour, a few days before the vote. In the end, the country did not become independent, but I was wondering what is the Islamic view on seeing.. More
Is there a contradiction between the fact that only Allaah Knows what people are thinking and the raised claims by some people that there are things that can read thoughts such as certain plants by means of which they know what people are thinking?.. More
Asalaamu alaikum. Way before my dad was married he was sitting on the seaside. An old man came to him, held his hand, then looked at him and told him that his daughter was going to be religious. When my parents got married the oldest child was my older sister who's more than 10 years older than me. They always thought it would be her, but she was never.. More
Someone committed many sins in his life, and this was confirmed by the bad end of his life, the thing that means that he will be in Hellfire. How can he be rewarded by giving charity on his behalf and supplicating Allaah for him? How will this change his destiny while he met a bad end as I mentioned earlier? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you... More
From time to time I have some twitching in my upper eyelids. I have noticed that when I have such twitching usually something bad happens to me. What do you think about this?.. More
What are the circumstances of people going to soothsayers and what is the ruling of Islam on each?.. More
I am a young Muslim man. I have read about Nostradamus, who was a French astrologist and physician who died about five centuries ago. He achieved widespread fame in the field of astrology and prediction. In his book, he foretold some events that took place five centuries after his death, such as the suicide of Hitler and the attack on the United States... More
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