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Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar! I want to know whether the following hadith is authentic or not:
Prophet Muhammad
performed his first obligatory prayer in the cave of Hira in 610 in the night when the first revelation was revealed. Ibn Is-haak
“Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu.. More
Assalamu Alaikum....A) What type of meditation took place in the cave of Hira during first revelation ? How Prophet muhammad performed the meditation ? Why it was important ? And why the first revelation did not come to muhammad like other revelation which were coming throughout his life normally ? B) How the idol worship Started in Macca before prophet.. More
Where did Mohammad most receive revelations through Jibrel alayhis-salaam? outside or inside his house .. More
What are the types of revelation?
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Assalamu Alaykum, 1-When the angel Gabriel (Jibril) PBUH asked prophet Muhammad PBUH to read the first revealed chapter of the holy Quran and said read, did he have The Quran written on a paper or a tablet? 2- What is the oldest Quran in the world and where is it located? Thank you .. More
Our Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was illiterate. How did he read Quran? And how could he recite the first revelation when Angel Jibreel came to him in the cave of Hira?.. More
What was the date when the Prophet was sent?.. More
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