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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. My question is the following: Did Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah
see the Throne (Arsh) of Allah, the Exalted, with his own eyes? May Allah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar! I want to know whether the following hadith is authentic or not:
Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,performed his first obligatory prayer in the cave of Hira in 610 in the night when the first revelation was revealed. Ibn Is-haak, may Allaah be pleased with him narrated:
“Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu.. More
We read that Ibn Taymiyyah said that there were no Companions left in Abisinnyah to pray the funeral prayer for An-Najaashi. Is it confirmed that no Companions remained behind when some left to Makkah (thinking that the Quraysh had accepted Islam) and others to Madinah?
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Assalaamu alaykum. A disbeliever raised a question about the fact that the Muslims pray five times a day because of the hadith in saheeh Al-Bukhari in which it is mentioned that Allaah reduced 50 prayers a day to 5 prayers a day. In the end, the hadith states, “These are 5 prayers, and the reward is equal to 50 prayers, for my words does not change.”.. More
I want to know: Who is the muhaajir (person who migrates) among the following? 1.The one who leave his/her own country and settles down somewhere else permanently? 2.The one who merely migrates for the sake of trade or business for a few days but does not permanently settle there?
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Why did Allaah invite ProphetMuhammad, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,to see the heaven(s) and hell, and not any other prophet before him?
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Assalamu Alaikum....A) What type of meditation took place in the cave of Hira during first revelation ? How Prophet muhammad performed the meditation ? Why it was important ? And why the first revelation did not come to muhammad like other revelation which were coming throughout his life normally ? B) How the idol worship Started in Macca before prophet.. More
Where did Mohammad most receive revelations through Jibrel alayhis-salaam? outside or inside his house .. More
What are the types of revelation?
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Please advice if the following is authentic: "Attahiyat recited during salah is actually a part of the conversation between Allah SWT and Prohpet Mohammed (SAW) when he met HIM while on Miraj." .. More
Assalamoalekum In Bukhari there is a sahih hadith that in Makkah mushrikeen threw intestine of camel on our prophet while he was in prostration during prayer.Our prophet couldnot come out of it due to its weight or so. Mushrikeen were laughing suddenly Abu Bakr called Fatima(ra) and she took away the intestines to rescue him. My question is that some.. More
Assalamu alikum many of the kuffar have written book against our Prophet peace be upon him like ALI SINA. He claimed that the persecution of Muslims in Makkah is a myth. Plus please provide me the authenticity of this story and main source. Ibn Katheer mentioned as Bilal did when they were inflicting all sorts of torture on him, even placing a huge.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, Is there any authentic narration stating that during isra wal mehraj, prophet mohammed went to medina and prayed there, then went to mount sinai and prayed there, then went to birthplace of jesus and prayed there, later went to jerusalem. thanks... More
Assalaamu alaikum. I have a doubt regarding Isra' wal mi'raj. As for as i know, this incident happened at the end of makkan period i.e 1-2 yrs before hijrah. Further Al Isra' was describd in the quran in Surah Isra and Miraj is mentioned in surah Najm. As for as i know prophet (saw) recited surah Najm during the 5 the year of dawah i.e 8 yrs before.. More
Will you please mention the Hadeeth (narration) of Al-’Israa’ wa Al-Mi‘raaj?.. More
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