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Assalamu Alaikum,
The Prophet Muhammad ? says, “Fast when you see it and stop fasting when you see it. And in another hadith, Prophet Muhammad ? said “Search for Laylatul-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.
The odd nights in gulf region might be even-nights in India or other parts the world as per the moon sighting. ‘’Laylatul-.. More
People are sharing this message on the Internet about the Night of Decree:
Three awesome tips for the last 10 days of Ramadan!
1. Give one dinar, dollar, and so on in charity every day, so if it falls on Laylat Al-Qadr (the Night of Decree), then it is as if you gave charity everyday for 84 years.
2. Pray two units of prayer everyday, so if.. More
Assalamu alaikum.... In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan people used to pray specially 12 Rakat of Nafal prayer in Lailatul Qadr in congregation or individually which is known as salat of Lailatul Qadr in which they recite surah ikhlaas like 10, 15 or 20 times in each Rakat after surah Faatiha. Is it proven by saheeh hadith ? What the prophet muhammad.. More
Assalamalaikum the quran revealed in the night of qadr.Whereas in usa it was day time. so what was the scholar opinion in this matter. shall we search qadar in day time.......
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Is it possible that some people can recognize the Night of Al-Qadr? Is it true that whoever sees its signs and supplicates that his supplication will definitely be answered?.. More
What should a woman do if she cannot seek the Night of Decree due to a religious excuse? Does she lose the reward? If so, is she permitted to take pills to delay her menses? .. More
Please answer my question clearly. I prayed in Du'aa (supplications) to Allaah after the day of Laylatul Qadr, in long Du'aa, just right after Fajr Salaah and when the sun was beginning to rise. Now my question is, Does my prayer have a chance to be accepted by Allaah, because it was done after Fajr Salaah; that's the time when Salaah is forbidden... More
Are the following statements regarding Laylat Al-Qadr are authentic:
"Allaah's Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, looked back at the previous communities and saw that his community lived for a much shorter period in comparison to them. He was concerned about how his community would be able to gain as many rewards as those of the previous.. More
What can we say to the youth who commit sins all year not praying, not fasting, Zina and other big sins, and they say if you repent on the night of power Laylat Al-Qadr all your sins are wiped away and they say its enough once per year to repent on this blessed night then Allaah forgives you all your sins and they say, they can go back to their.. More
Is it possible to watch light of night of decree at 15th of Sha'baan? What is the significance of witnessing such a light? .. More
I have seen in some mosques that they give Khutbas and speeches related to Islam on the night of Qadr. Is it correct or is it a Bid'ah? Please send me the answer of this question as soon as possible... More
The Lailathul Qadr will be any odd days of last 10 days of Ramadan. As I studied, in this sacred day, Jibreel and other angels will come to the Earth at the time of Magreb and will return at the time of Subhi. As we know, the time is different according to place to place. Then how do they come to one time to the Earth at the time of Magreb. Or it.. More
I have a doubt about Lailath al-Qadr. Will the Lailath al-Qadr be different at different places? For example if 27th night is here in India it will be morning in America. Angels will leave the mosque in the morning in India. At this time it will be night in America. Then will the Angels come down again to mark Lailath al-Qadr in America? Hope.. More
What are some of the signs of the night of Power?
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