I want to know the Islamic ruling on the case of a lady who has fibroid. Some people advised her to operate, while others advised her to take herbs. She took the latter advice and started using herbs, but later discovered that the herbs were not effective. Is it then that it is her qadar [destiny] that she would not be cured of that fibroid by her.. More
Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah say that only Shirk is the unforgivable sin and those who do shirk are the only people who will abide in Hell forever. But Allah says in the Quran that there are other sins which may doom a person in Hell Forever. The following are the verses in support of this.
1)"Nay, but whosoever hath done evil and his sin surrounded.. More
One of my friends informed me that when an angel does a sin it is wiped out immediately. My question is whether the angels do evil, and, if so, are their sins eliminated off as my friend informed me. I need a very urgent reply.. More
I have come from Pakistan to do my post graduate study in the field of Psychiatry. I am a doctor. My family is back in Pakistan at the moment. I have suffered from severe depression this year as I visited Pakistan and came back to Ireland in March. I am continuously doing Istikharah about staying here or not, and to call my family here in Ireland.. More
I want to thank you for being there and providing us real knowledge which every human being should have.
Well, I have two things on my mind, which I need to know properly and in detail.
The first thing is that I want to know if Imam Mahdi's arrival is mentioned in Qur'an or not? If yes, kindly tell me the Surahor verse number, so that I can.. More
Please let me know your verdict in the following case: a Muslim brother here gave me a bottle with water in which there were some hairs. He told me that this was hair from Muhammad (Sallalahu-Alaihu-Wa-Sallam) and if I drink that water then I will be protected from sickness. I personally find it to be Bid'ah. But I would like to know your.. More
Is the belief in Second coming of Jesus a part of Iman? The site http:www.renaissance.com.pk/junq997.html claims that the belief in the second coming of Jesus is not the part of Iman. The site claims that Sunnah consists only of practice and not beliefs. Imam Malik's Muwatta didn't mention anything regarding the second coming of Jesus? Is.. More
Can you name all or at least thecommon forms of hypocrisy and pride, and how one might go about eradicating them from oneself? Also if someone wears a Qamiis to Islamic school ten wears English other times is that a form of hypocrisy?.. More
I am a Muslim girl; I am 20years old .from Tunisia
3years ago I had an accident and I fell unconscious, so my family brought me to the hospital. First, when I stood up again I felt that my heart was singing.
I know that singing is Haram so I want to know why my heart begun singing? Please I need you don't leave my message please.
I am not optimistic.. More
I would like to inquire about the following:
I have a friend who is a fortune teller who lives in England, I personally donot believe in what he is doing and do not associate with his work.
He also has another big business which is buying, selling and managingproperties.
My questions are as follows;
1) My friendship with him is it Haram or.. More