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2842 fatwas

  • Divine Wisdom in Making Some People Poor

    1. Is chest beating and using knives during Muharram allowed? 2. I have always seen poor people suffering and rich enjoying, although former have more belief in the Almighty. Why so? 3. During our duty in the hospital, sometimes we miss Jumu’a of Fridays due to emergencies, saving people. Are we right? .. More

  • Carrying Qur’anic verses to ward off evil

    Some people carry some Qur’anic verses in a small medal tied around their waist to prevent Satanic disturbances and for safety. Is this allowed in Islam? It is very common among the Indian Muslims... More

  • Selecting one's mate in Paradise

    If a man has 2 wives, Allah will ask him in Jannah with whom he would prefer to have in Jannah? Is it the same case with women?.. More

  • Living in USA

    I borrowed some money from the US government; interest free, to go to school. After I graduated, I moved back to my home country, which is Muslim and poor. My plan was to quickly find a job and pay back my debt. Now 6 months since I moved back, I still cannot find a Halal job. Moreover, after I surveyed the job market here, the salaries available.. More

  • Feels his faith has weakened in UK

    I am an asylum seeker in the UK and things have not been going well for me. Iwas a better Muslim beforeI came here; nowI feel my Iman (faith)haslessenedand I feel a less of a Muslim. Am I not doing well because of my deeds?I just want things to work out for me so thatI can go back home, Insha Allah. Please rememberme in your Du’a... More

  • Rejecting some Qur'an

    One of the Arkaan of faith is to believe in the revelation of the revealed books which includes the Qur’an. If one rejects a Surah, a verse, an Ayah or a letter from the Qur’an then one falls into disbelief. Can you please give me references from the Qur’an and the Hadith to support this claim? .. More

  • Lamenting over huge monetary loss

    We are unfortunate people who lost a huge sum of money because someone cheated us. The problem is we cannot forget it, and we always feel very depressed. We pray hard but still feel very miserable. Someone told us to take it as fated,meaning good and badare from Allah. Ifwe always lament on why this must happen, then Allah may give us something.. More

  • Prophets Who Are Still Alive

    My question is that where is the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and can he watch us? I would like to ask about the 5 or 6 Prophets who are still alive like Khidr, Enoch and others). What duties do they perform? .. More

  • Feels under influence of magic

    I have a problem and need your help. I feel I am suffering from black magic. I now suffer from the effect of this. I have been told that they can make me mad, blind, suffer hair loss, problems in sex, divorce, etc. I know that by praying to Allah I can be protected, but I also have been told that if they give me something to eat, or they have.. More

  • Different acts of Zina

    Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said a man's Iman will go out of him when he commits Zina or in the state of intoxication by alcohol and it will return to him when he stops that act. Does this statement of losing Iman (becoming an unbeliever) imply to Zina of the eyes (seeing some women with bad intention) and also to Zina of mouth, ears.. More

  • Sun rose from the West on Mars

    I found on the Internet, on the Nasa’s web site, that the sun has risen from the West in the whole month of September 2003, on planet Mars. Does that have any relation with the Day of Judgment? Is that one of the major signs of the Akhira? Please, I want an answer... More

  • Pagan rituals

    In my native country people celebrate what is called the festival of and “Barweeh”? Has this any confirmation in the Hadith or the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Sunnah? They do this by lighting up Chirags (small lanterns) and by preparing pots full of sweet rice?.. More

  • Whisper of angels and devils

    I know that angels can whisper in the hearts of humans as well as devils. How can you distinguish between the two? Please give examples from the Hadith... More

  • Effects of apostasy

    What is the effect of changing your religion from Islam to another religion on a person, community and country? Please answer me quickly... More

  • Marriage: by choice or by fate?

    My question is regarding marriage. I have been trying figure out whether the individual one marries is by choice (Ikhtiyar) or by fate (Naseeb). If it is choice then why is it that two people who truly love each other never marry? If it is fate, then why would God allow a woman to marry a physically or mentally abusive husband?.. More