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Salams, Dear Bro/ Sis, My weakness is that im very talkative, I really need to reduce this because as you know it is said in Islam to speak when necessary/ or to keep silent.. its a bit difficult for me. Please help me.. Im trying my level best to little by little turn my self into a good believer, for which reducing speaking is very important. Wasalam.. More
asalamualykum A)my question is about nick names,in my class some of my friends call each other with funny names and the person to whom that funny name is given dosent mind,or feels bad about it, Is it permissible to use nicknames when some body dosent feel bad about it and B)Is the hadeeth saheeh which discribes the prophet(p.B.u.h) when he showed.. More
Is swearing very bad in Islam?.. More
Does Islam permit people to curse each other in any matter? .. More
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