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Assalaamu alaykum. Recently, I have been struggling in my religion because I have heard a brother in a masjid say that to humiliate yourself to others you completely love is major Shikr (polytheism). I have struggled with this because I have not found any scholar talk about this and I also think tha tit would be minor Shirk at most. I also have seen.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. Can we Muslims be arrogant given that we are better than the disbelievers, who are the worst of creation while we are the best? Is this type of pride allowed?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. If a woman keeps a collection of clothes, jewellery, and other items in order to use them when she gets married, is that wrong? If she dies before using those things (never gets married), will she be sinful and will she be asked about that Na'eem (pleasure)? ("Na'eem," as mentioned in Surah.. More
Is maximizing one's well-being or doing research on ways to improve one's well-being in any way sinful in Islam?
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As-salamu'aleikum, There are ahadith like the following Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "What I am most concerned about is the flourishment and the beauty of thus world will be available to you." and "It is not poverty that I fear for you, but I fear that this world will be opened up with its wealth for you...." In the book "Riadh alSaliheen" a.. More
I want to ask you that if a person wants to work 15 hours in a day for making money and experience and obeying the orders of Allaah i.e. Salat so it is permissible for him to do this or not that he is having love of this world so it is not permissible for him to do this. Please tell me that he can or not according to Sharee'ah?.. More
This person "A" hurt and insulted person "B" in front of others in anger which put "A" into embarrassment and misery. But "B" was very patient and forgets it. This has been for sometime and person "A" is not willing to apologize to person "B" and taking it very easy. What is the ruling in Islaam on this, when somebody hurt others and being stubborn.. More
Can you name all the forms of pride and hypocrisy and how one could eradicate them all from one self?
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In Islam is it allowed to struggle to become rich? When one is too busy there is less time for prayers and for other good Islamic deeds as the mind is always thinking of making money. What business is recommended for Muslim? Please advise... More
What is the position of Islam about concerning the earning of wealth? In the society where we live everybody is after money. We cannot totally ignore the importance of money in our lives. .. More
All my life all I wanted was to go to heaven. I was always happy with everything I had until one day I don't know what happened I wanted more and since then nothing seems to be going right. How do I gain that belief again?.. More
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