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I have an issue of wadiyy emission frequently may be daily 2 times or daily once or thrice in a week etc and that time i just wipe the affected area of underwear with wet fingers for 3 or 5 times and wash the penis head .if it is ok ? After that can i perform namaz with wearing that underwear ? Or should i wash underwear?
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AssalamA'laykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! I actually I had misunderstood a particular ruling, which is that prayer is valid if a small amount of impurity is one clothes. I thought it applied to all kinds of impurities, including madhiy and mud, and not just blood and pus. So being unaware, I once prayed with a bit of mud on my trousers. And also,.. More
I wash my body completely in fard ghusl.But some traces of semen remained on my leg.Is my ghusl valid?
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Can you please explain the different discharges of women (i.e. maniy, wadiy, mathi
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Assalamu alaikum,I am not feeling comfortable while asking this question but i want to ask because i want to make sure.I am a 21 years old male. I was rubbing my penis but then i felt there is some movement like fluid or something and when i saw there was a slight drop of transparent liquid that came out.Does it validate ghusl(junub) or do u have to.. More
AssalamualaikumI recently hit puberty and this morning I went to pray Fajr in the masjid, and after I came home and went to the toilet I saw these clear drops in my underwear.I am suspicious that it is Al mathi, but not sure. Is my prayer nullified or not?
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Asalamualikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu, I am about to get married soon, inshallah. However, I am scared to have sex because of how messy it can get. I have never had sex before. I have OCD and I am always worried about things being dirty. I am not sure if the ejaculation from sex is considered pure but if it gets on the sheets or something, will we.. More
I would like to know what am I supposed to do in my case. I have a wet dream and the ejaculation happens and the underpants are wet and the semen penetrates into the pants and from outside it is slightly wet. In this case while sleeping my blanket would rub against my pants . And when I wake up I am not able to see any traces of semen on the blanket.. More
If I find mathy on my underwear after I finish the prayer, then must I repeat the prayer or prayers since the last time I was certain that my clothes were pure? I do not know when it came out as I did not feel it.
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Assalamualaikum,I am 25 years old. Whenever, i talk to my wife, I frequently have sticky liquid (Madhi) from my private part. Its not like i am engaging with my wife with sensational activities, Just like normal conversation, this madhi comes out very frequently. Is it impure? can i continue my prayer with it? washing my clothing every now and then.. More
Salaam ‘Alaykum.If a person releases madhi (pre-seminal fluid), then the ruling (that I follow) is that he must washes his penis and testicles. If a person ejaculates (mani), then the ruling is that he performs ghusl. How about if a person does both: first releases madhi (pre-seminal fluid) and then ejaculates (mani), must he first wash his penis.. More
Asalamo aleioum scholars. When I got up I cleaned my underwear with my hands and water from the madhiy (najis)touching the suposed madhiy directly.Then I put again my clothes as my pants ans mu jumper without cleaning again my hands with water only after having put my clothes. Does putting my clothes and touching them made them impure as I did not washed.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If a woman has Mathi (pre-seminal discharge) and she cleans her private parts like she would in Istinjaa’ (cleaning with water), but later in the day, she experiences normal vaginal discharge (which is pure), would the pure discharge mix with the Mathi residues present inside her privates (the inside of the privates that cannot.. More
Assalaamu alaykum! Say that after having a wet dream, I find that there are also some spots of Mathi (pre-ejaculate), and I am sure about it being Mathi on dried semen in the cloth - I know that semen is pure and that sprinkling water over cloth having Mathi makes it pure - but does this also apply to my case, in which there is some dried semen and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about the difference between Maniy(semen)and Mathiy (pre-ejaculatory fluid) during sleep. I know that there are many fatwas about it on this website, but my situation is specific. I sometimes emit Maniy during sleep (I am certain that it is Maniy because I feel it come out and it does so in large amounts), so of.. More
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