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Salams, is it sufficient for me to read Surah Al-Mulk by itself without reading Surah Sajdah for the benefit of the protection in the grave.As well is it okay for me to read Surah Al-Mulk in the Ishaa prayer, or sunnah prayer if I'm in the masjid. I say the first half of the Surah in the first Rakaah and second half in second Rakaah. I have heard some.. More
Can an illegitimate daughter recite quran at her mothers janaaza
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The imam of our mosque in the neighborhood makes obvious mistakes in reciting Surat Al-Fatihah and I tried to correct his mistakes, but sometimes he corrects himself and sometimes he makes the same mistake again. I do not say that my recitation is perfect, but it is better than his recitation. He also hangs his pants down to the ankles, and I tried.. More
Assalamualaikum. In the past, I didn't know tajweed and could not recite the Qur'an correctly. So, I used to make big mistakes in surahs in my prayers. Should I redo all my prayers again?
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AssalamOAlaikum! Is it permissible to gather people at home often for recitation of specific surah's like surah baqarah, surah aal-imran or surah yaseen for the purpose of gathering Allah's blessings? or would it be bidah? please guide in light of Quran
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Assalamu Alaykum I have a junub and I read the Qur'an Will I sin? And will it make me fall out of my religion?
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Assalaamu ‘Alaykum. I currently supplicate by thanking Allaah and saying his names in english, like “You are the Entirely Merciful” as an example, saying Allaahumma salli ‘alaa Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, or something similar, and then asking for what I want. Is this acceptable, and can you give me ways of praising and calling.. More
Salam walikum Dear Respected.I'm Newly Converted Muslim. My Fank Question To You Is Can I Read Holly Quran In Bathroom ?
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In my school every morning a person recites surah al fatiha and a dua and the rest of the people follow him. Is this (reciting al fatiha and the dua in congregation) something that is ok to do or is it an innovation? What if I am the one appointed to lead on some days, is that considered as helping in innovation? Please advise me so that I can follow.. More
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ I was praying fajr and I thought I mispronounced the ر in a takbeer so I repeated it in the next position of salah but I repeated it from the end of the word: So I said ‘bar’ only and not ‘All?hu Akbar’ in order to repeat the raa. I think this.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum. I have difficulty pronouncing ص, and the other day I was speaking to the imam at the masjid that I frequently go to to pray and we recognized that I might have issues because one of my bottom front teeth sticks outward, and this is near the makhraj I think. If this is truly the case, will I be excused for mistakes with ص?
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By mistake I enter and forgot the holy book at the toilet because am not feeling well but I was awake does Allah with forgive me or not
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i don't know how to recite the quran but i'm trying to learn and recite it and i pronounce some words wrong sometimes and the confuse the fathah, kasrah, dhammah is that a sin or what is the ruling on that, and if it's wrong how else can I try to learn?
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Assalam! I have read that Tajweed is not mandatory. If this is the case why is there an obligatory madd. Also please inform me on which salahs are better than others. For example: Fard, tahajud , duha , sunnah prayers, etc. Please include as many salahs as possible. Thank you very much.
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Assalamualaikum. Can I use these type of statements to memorize quran? i memorized surah hajj ayat using statements "We got our nation." "Aren't fruits tasty?" just like we memorize formulas using memonics.These statements are only used at start to recall verses. Later I only remember verses and no longer use statements to recall verses. I don't believe.. More
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