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assalamualaikum, i am moving form my home town to another city for 2 weeks but in that city we also bought a house and one of my family member also live there (not permanant) so do i have to perform qasar namaz in that city or perfom same as in my town?jazakallah
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Al Salam Alaikum,You said that if a person wants to shorten his prayer due to travel he must measure the distance from the city limits to the intended place of travel. However, what about a someone who lives in a non-Muslim country and does not know the city limits, what can he do? Can he measure it from his house? Jazakum Allahu Khairan
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Asalamualaikum, I have a a question concerning prayer and travelling. Is it permissible to delay prayer until after your trip is over and when you’ve reached your destination? Jazakallah.
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Al Salamu Alaykum
I traveled to another country for 8 days during Ramadan and Eid. I stayed in the same city for the whole of my trip. I shortened all my prayers and combined some of prayers throughout the whole trip and I broke my fast 4 days out of Ramadan. I have read that the period one is considered a traveler is only 4 days but allegedly some.. More
What is the ruling on praying the ‘Isha on a plane when you could have joined it with the Maghrib?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Our plane will take off before the Thuhr and land before the ‘Asr (at my destination). However, I fear that because of baggage collection and immigration procedures, I might not be able to pray the Thuhr within its time. In this case, should I pray on the plane? I do not think that I can combine the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. We read that Sayid Sabiq wrote in Fiqh As-Sunnah:
"The conflict between miles and Farsakh is made clear in Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri's statement: 'If the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,traveled a distance of one Farsakh, he would shorten his prayer.' This was related by Sa'id ibn Mansur in his Sunan and by Al-Hafiz.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. If a few travelers on an airport or a train station gathers to pray their prayer in congregation, and as soon they started the prayer, they realize that they are going to miss their train or flight, in that case, is it allowed for the travelers to leave their prayer and catch their train or flight? Can they pray it aboard or when they.. More
When someone travels by air and has to be present at the airport two hours before departure, is he permitted to combine two prayers before going to the airport? The time of departure is 7:00 pm, Maghrib is at 5:00 pm, ‘Ishaa’ is at 7:30 pm and he arrives at his destination three hours before Fajr. .. More
When I am travelling, I combine and shorten the prayer, so what should I do if the time for Maghrib prayer started whereas I had not yet offered the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers? Do I have to offer four Rak‘ahs or two?
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A traveler performed the ‘Ishaa’ prayer but stood for the third Rak‘ah and completed all four Rak‘ahs. Must he make a prostration afterwards?
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Would you please clarify how to pray while traveling in terms of shortening and combining prayers? I will visit a relative of mine in an Arab country and will stay there for about a week. Taking into consideration that we have a house in this country, does this mean that the rulings of prayer while traveling are not applicable to me?
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If I was traveling and missed the Thuhr, ‘Asr, and Maghrib prayers, how should I make up for them? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you. .. More
I am a young man who works on a ship. I start my work after the ‘Asr prayer and work until Fajr. I find no time to pray either Maghrib or ‘Ishaa’ so what should I do in this case? Please respond because we do not know what to do... More
After I prayed a friday jumuah prayer then suddenly I have to travel to one place in which I can not cath up the mid-afternoon or ashr prayer when I reached the place where to go. My question is that, is it allowed for me to pray ashr prayer but not yet in prescribed time before I go to travel.
Another question is that sometimes when I am travalling.. More
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