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yesterday I combined Dhuhr and 'Asr as I thought I would be out of house during 'Asr and I would have hardship being able to do my Salah around my non muslim parents. We went out around a minute after 'Asr adhan went off, we didn't arrive back until 'Isha time and I combined Maghrib and 'Isha when I arrived back. Is my salah valid?.. More
Asalamu alaykom. I used to combine prayers, mainly magrib and isha, when i came back home after going out , sometimes with friends, and combined them at the time of isha. Also i once combined asr at the time of duhr before leaving the house to meet my friends. This was done in winter, as in the UK, the prayer times were close together and hard to perform.. More
Please do not redirect me to a different answer.I've read that it's permissible to combine maghrib and isha in northern countries, like sweden, during the period of time around summer where the night is very short and isha is late and fajr is early. Earlier today Fajr was at 01:53, or 02:22 according to another schedule. Isha will be at 23:29 by the.. More
assalamualaikum, i am moving form my home town to another city for 2 weeks but in that city we also bought a house and one of my family member also live there (not permanant) so do i have to perform qasar namaz in that city or perfom same as in my town?jazakallah
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Al Salam Alaikum,You said that if a person wants to shorten his prayer due to travel he must measure the distance from the city limits to the intended place of travel. However, what about a someone who lives in a non-Muslim country and does not know the city limits, what can he do? Can he measure it from his house? Jazakum Allahu Khairan
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Asalamualaikum, I have a a question concerning prayer and travelling. Is it permissible to delay prayer until after your trip is over and when you’ve reached your destination? Jazakallah.
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Sheikh, I have a serious issue falling asleep, I had it since childhood. Now, I have started to pray 5 times a day, and sometimes I hold myself awake until fajr time, prays and than go to sleep, but I cant fall asleep and quite often I just lie in my bed and try hard to fall asleep, often after 4-5 hours I fall asleep and than if I wake up again for.. More
I want a clear explation about a person with spinal cord injury who is unable to control and feel his bladder and bowel movement and used catheter and diaper and a care giver change his diaper currently the person use teymum to perform udu whenever the time is due for salah each morning and evening a care giver change his diaper. Is it obligatory to.. More
If a person travels every day for work(leave morning them come home at night), or perhaps he does this for some period of time but not always, then can he combine his prayers at his destination?
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Assalamo alaikum,
Could you please tell me whether i can pray zuhar and asar together before leaving for airport if time for zohar has entered?
Jazakallahu khairan
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Al Salamu Alaykum
I traveled to another country for 8 days during Ramadan and Eid. I stayed in the same city for the whole of my trip. I shortened all my prayers and combined some of prayers throughout the whole trip and I broke my fast 4 days out of Ramadan. I have read that the period one is considered a traveler is only 4 days but allegedly some.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum Now I am on visit to US. Here there is a mosque (with Quran classes and madrasas) where Egyptian Imams (Hafidhs) lead the prayers for more than 300 people including women and children. On a day when there was a small rain in winter season they prayed Magrib prayer and right away prayed the Essa prayer also together saying because of.. More
Assalamu AlaikumMy wife met with an accident recently, and her body from neck down is paralysed. She can't move her arms or legs, has no control over her bowel movements or urination - A tube is inserted for urination. She has not been bathed as she had surgery few days back. What is the Islamic law regarding her Tahara (bathing, wudu, tayamum) and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.Respected Shaykhs, I just read your previous answer, No. 354958, today, but before that I was unaware of the ruling, and I will repeat those two prayers, Allah willing, but please answer the following. A short, quick reply by email will be needful, Allah willing.
Q: I sit and pray on a chair; I mostly.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. I combine the prayer, and I was combining the Maghrib and the ‘Ishaa’ prayer at the time of the Maghrib during this Ramadan, and the time for the ‘Ishaa’ began, most probably. I say 'most probably', as here in Makkah, the azan is given later than at its due time, so I cannot be sure.. More
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