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So, if someone is in a place that is kind of broken down and scary and the prayer time is about to end, are they excused from praying until they reach a safer place after the prayer time although they do not know for sure whether their life is in danger?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I work as a security guard in America in a construction area. The problem is that when the time for prayer comes, I do not find any place to prostrate as it is all filled with rocks and gravel and mudd. So is this a good reason to pray on a chair while still performing the other pillars of the prayer that I am able to do,.. More
How can firefighters and rescue workers perform prayers during their work hours? .. More
I am a diving hobbyist and I spend long periods of time doing this. The times of prayer come during these times and it is difficult for me to pray them due to the remoteness of the coast. My question is: Is it permissible to pray in the water, knowing that my feet do not reach any ground? Please guide us and thank you... More
How to pray the fear prayer? .. More
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