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Assalaamu alaykum. If someone dies while indebted, we know that he will be a prisoner in his grave until his debt is paid. However, if his debt is not paid in this life, he will remain a prisoner in this grave until the last day without punishment nor reward. Can you confirm this point for me? Can you tell me that in this state, he is not suffering.. More
why do decaesed people open eyes at the time of ghusul .. More
Concerning debt, someone died and owed me a debt and I intended to excuse him but have not yet informed his family about it.. More
An individual died at about 6pm but among his last requests was tonot place him in a refrigerator. So should someone sleep beside him in the room or should we leave him alone?
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how is accidental premature burrial prevented in Islam?
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as salam alai kum, please advise whats the ruling on people who die in toilet....recently my father in law passed away in the toilet while sitting on toilet seat ...please advise and is there any thing to be perfom for his soul we all know in toilet there is always iblis .... please advise soon as possible .. More
Assalamualikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.If the decesed have any artifical thing attached in his body eg:teeth,rod in a leg ,lences etc.Is it compulsory to remove it off before burrying the deceased or not?Allah Hafiz .. More
Are there bad signs that can be seen on the body of the dead Muslim? What are they?.. More
Assalamu Alaikum I need to know if it is permissible to see the deceased person's face after the his/her funeral prayers had been offered, before taking it to the burial. If this is wrong in islam & one has done so then is there any kafarah or fidya to offer. Jazak Allah.. More
All praise due to Allah and peace and blessing upon his beloved messenger Mohammad for ever Amin, When some one dies, does he/she feel anything (before burial) while he/she is washed or move around? Jaza ka Allah Khair, .. More
Can you please tell me the Du'aa that is said after hearing of a person's death and the English translation of it? I have heard that this Du'aa should only be said if it a Muslim's death is concerned and not for any non-Muslim. Is this correct? .. More
My question is in two parts:
1) Is it right to read the Qur'aan over the dead body before burial, when still in the house?
2) Is it correct that one is not allowed to offer any food or drink to people, if the body of the deceased is still in the house?.. More
What is the reason for burying the person who passed away within 24 hours?.. More
What should I do after my father's death?
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What are the rituals (Fard and Sunnah) for attending the dead Muslim according to Islamic Sharia? please send the answer according to the Qur'an and Hadiths mentioning Hadiths No and Qur'anic verses.Can we recite Qur'an on their behalf?
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