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Assalaamu alaykum. If someone dies while indebted, we know that he will be a prisoner in his grave until his debt is paid. However, if his debt is not paid in this life, he will remain a prisoner in this grave until the last day without punishment nor reward. Can you confirm this point for me? Can you tell me that in this state, he is not suffering.. More
Assalaamu alaykum Mufti. Yesterday, my brother's son expired. (To Allaah we belong, and to Him shall be our return). My mother is 90 years old. My other brothers in India did not tell my mother about the death of Bilal as my mother loves him much, and they fear that my mother will undergo a sudden, great shock due to his death and that she may not be.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it allowed to say 'Alhamdulillah' or become glad upon hearing the news of the death of a disbeliever who had enmity with the Muslims or that of a dangerous innovator who spread many forms of polytheism, disbelief, innovations, and misconceptionsamong the ordinary Muslims?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I came to know from this site that we should order disbelievers to say the Shahaadah (the two Testimonies of Faith) when they are close to death. Should the same also be done with one who had done something that took him out of the fold of Islam (like mocking anything related to Islam, deeming something haram to be halal, believing.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. A relative is in their last stage of illness and has a few months to live. What can be read (from Quran) and done for them, and what could the patient do for themselves, as the patient is not a practising Muslim, and bearing in mind that they have no mobility. May Allaah reward you.
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why do decaesed people open eyes at the time of ghusul .. More
Concerning debt, someone died and owed me a debt and I intended to excuse him but have not yet informed his family about it.. More
What is the ruling on urging a sick Christian woman to say the Shahaadah, "La ilaaha illa Allaah, Muhammadun Rasoolullaah (There is no god but Allaah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah?) What if she indeed repeats it, but when we give her the remembrance beads she glorifies "in the name of the God, Jesus.".. More
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to be in the presence of her dying mother?.. More
An individual died at about 6pm but among his last requests was tonot place him in a refrigerator. So should someone sleep beside him in the room or should we leave him alone?
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how is accidental premature burrial prevented in Islam?
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As i have asked you allot qustion and got Satisfaction reply by you I woul like to really Thankfull to you and for your Patience. Regarding my Question. I would like to ask you that Can dead person hear us or not?Can we suggest to dead person about Kalima Or Shahadat Allah?Can we Instruct to any dead person about KALIMA SHAHDAT AFTER PUTTING IN GRAVE?.. More
as salam alai kum, please advise whats the ruling on people who die in toilet....recently my father in law passed away in the toilet while sitting on toilet seat ...please advise and is there any thing to be perfom for his soul we all know in toilet there is always iblis .... please advise soon as possible .. More
assalamu alaikum wara matullahi wa barakatoh. whoever dies while his last word was the kalima will enter parasise.... what about allahu akbar? if it is his last word then dies, does he also enter paradise with that word? thank u.. More
How authentic is the Hadeeth in which a woman came to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to convert to Islam and he stipulated that she must cease the practice of wailing [over the dead]. When she told him that there was a woman who once ululated for her [dead] and she wanted to return the favor, he remained silent. Is there a Sharee’ah.. More
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