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One of the conditions of Hajj being obligatory is being financially able (i.e., has sufficient provisions to get there and back, and that should be surplus to what he needs to spend on those on whom he is obliged to spend, until he returns from Hajj).If a person has saved enough wealth for hajj but then chooses to spend it before hajj in order to make.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is applying for a free Hajj or ‘Umrah or applying for a scholarship in studies similar to begging? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh.
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A man works in an Islamic institution and wants to perform Hajj, but his chief at the institution is not giving him permission, what should the employee do now? The chief at the institution is a Mufti.
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Is it permissible for a man whose money is ill-gotten to give his mother some of it so as to perform Hajj, putting in mind that she does not know that his money is unlawful?
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I have a car and would like to perform the Hajj. Should I sell it for this purpose? I save a sum of money enough for me to perform ‘Umrah every two years. But I could not save those sums to perform Hajj because I feel that I miss the Ka‘bah so much, and saving those sums for Hajj would take six years – and I could not wait this whole time without.. More
I am a fifty-five-year-old woman and would like to perform Hajj and ‘Umrah in the company of my thirty-year-old, mature son. There has been a split between me and my husband for twelve years because of familial problems. I am still 'hanging'; neither separated by divorce nor khul‘ (divorce requested by the wife in which she returns the bridal gift)... More
There is someone who lives in Germany along with his wife and children. Since both he and his wife are jobless, the work circle gives them the residence charge in addition to three hundred and fifty euros for each as well as two hundred euros for the children. This man could save a good sum of money from what is given by the state to him, his wife,.. More
My mother will get her share of inheritance and wants to help me with the costs of my study. I told her that it is better for her to go to Hajj. I argued that one does not know when he will die and that one may not find money in the future if he delays Hajj. She replied that after I complete my study, I will be able to send her along with my father.. More
I live in France and would like to perform Hajj in the company of my fourteen-year-old son, who has attained the age of puberty and has become legally competent for religious assignments. The Saudi embassy, however, stipulates that the Mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin) for a woman under forty-five years old should be at least fifteen years old... More
I am a little child who lives in the USA. I would like to ask whether the Hajj performed by a child is accepted. Please give as much evidence as possible.
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I belong to a Muslim community and am planning to perform Hajj this year, Allaah willing. The community I belong to demands various compulsory funds that are not related to the cost of Hajj, which I am prepared to pay for, while I am not prepared to pay for these other funds. I want to find out what I can do if they do not accept my application because.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My son would like to take care of all the expenses for Hajj for his father. However, my son did not make Hajj himself yet although he would surely love to do so Allaah willing. So he thought of letting his father go first as he (his father) is not able to pay for the Hajj trip and so on himself. Is it possible in this case that, even.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I have a doubt regarding the money that was collected for Hajj. We have started building our house now with the Help of Allaah. We already built it eight years ago but it was not completed. Now my dad needs some money so dat we can finish it. We had been collecting money in order to do Hajj next year.. More
Assalaamu alaykum dear brothers and scholars. My wife has already performed her Hajj and wants to perform Hajj for her deceased father. However, she ignores whether her father had enough money at any stage of his life in order for Hajj to have been an obligation on him at that time. She does know that her father was well established and earned enough.. More
I have five daughters, the eldest of whom is 20 years old and the youngest is 14. All of them experience menstruation (they have attained puberty). My question is: Am I obligated to help them perform Hajj (by paying the expenses)? And if they perform Hajj this year, will they have fulfilled the obligation of Hajj? Kindly inform me what to do if a girl.. More
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