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We intend to sponsor our parents' Hajj pilgrimage this year. As five siblings, we're pooling our resources to cover the necessary expenses. However, one of my sisters has contributed funds obtained through a bank loan. Is it permissible for her loaned money to be used for our parents' Hajj and fulfill their obligation?.. More
Assalamualaikum, A family is planning a trip to Saudi Arabia for Umrah, they first are planning to go to Madinah as they have booked that first and do not have a firm decision on if they want to perform Umrah as they are travelling for a long time. They arrive in Saudi Arabia and they go to Makkah to visit with family and they make an intention from.. More
One of the conditions of Hajj being obligatory is being financially able (i.e., has sufficient provisions to get there and back, and that should be surplus to what he needs to spend on those on whom he is obliged to spend, until he returns from Hajj).If a person has saved enough wealth for hajj but then chooses to spend it before hajj in order to make.. More
السلام عل??م I did hajj with my parents when i was 14 (baaligh). I was not a practising muslim then, didn't know the essence of deen, was just a cultural muslim. I'm 37 now, accepted Islam intentionally and wonder if my obligatory hajj has been performed or accepted? Am i obliged to perform hajj?
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Assalamalaikum warahmatullah Please tell me if someone is permitted to ask others to do badalhajj for him while he’s physically and financially capable but living in a kafir country and He can’t go abroad for some political reasons and the government doesn’t allow him to go for hajj.jazakallahukhair
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Sir i have saved my money in National saving Bank ,Govt of Pakistan.
I have received fix amount on saved money every month from bank regularly and
My amount remain same.
My question is that received money of that saved amount is HILAL or HARAM?
Can i perform hujj or umra from that received amount?.. More
Few years ago (before my marriage), I had made the intention to do Umrah and went with another family. On our way there I got a feeling that I have got my periods. But I was embarrassed to let the family know so I continued my journey without confirming and performed Umrah. It was only after I reached home after completing my Umrah I checked to confirm.. More
Do the one by one eyelashes
Prevent from going to Omra.
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Asslam ole kum rob, in my early days of earning I was cheated a lot to my employer (like I used forged pertrol bills, steal equipment’s etc) after I left the job for better opportunity, I realised that what I have done is a sin. I stopped that act and I never did to my next employer. I was always asking allaha to forgive my sin. Later after some years.. More
Salaam MualykumHajj a badal for deceased infant brother 3 month old ok or no need .69326
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. If a Muslim woman does not find any Muslim in her family or relatives whom she can ask to perform Hajj with and she dies before performing it, what should she do? She is asking because she thinks that maybe she was able to perform Hajj financially and physically during her lifetime, but she.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. For some years now, a feeling of religious guilt has been blocking my mind. Before starting the story, I have two cousins, whom I will name A and B. When I was studying in grade six, a gang of boys of about six, including those two cousins, used to buy and watch porn cd`s. And when this came to my knowledge, cousin B told me that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding ‘Umrah. My mother-in-law wants to perform ‘Umrah during this Ramadan. She is financially stable and can pay for it herself. I (her daughter-in-law) want to pay for it. She did her Hajj two years ago (my husband bought his parents the tickets) and performed ‘Umrah twice already. She wants to go again;.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is applying for a free Hajj or ‘Umrah or applying for a scholarship in studies similar to begging? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I work in an interest-based bank in Saudi Arabia. My work is related to programming, where I am mostlynot involved with interest directly. However, 5% of my work is about the loan calculations (having interest) that will be applied to the customer loans. Now, I was planning to go Hajj this year. Would it be ok for me to perform it.. More
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