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In school, I broke something by accident while walking, but they did not call me to fix it or anything. It was not something expensive, but do I have to go back and tell them? They could have easily called me in to fix it, so I do not know what to do.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please answer immediately. My father just broke a traffic law. Since it was dawn, no police officer saw it and fined us. Does this fine become a debt? If we broke a law, is it obligatory to admit it and pay the fines to the authorities? Thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that I have damaged my friend's property. I intend to compensate the damage with money, but my friend refused it and told me that it is okay. Do I have to do anything? Thank you, may Allaah bless you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. When I went to Makkah for my last visit, I had to buy a pair of shoes; they had put pins on the bottom of the shoes that were on display, at the shop, while I was checking out the shoes, I noticed that the pin on one shoe went inside, and I tried pulling it but it did not come out, and I feel.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I went to college with a hospital sponsorship. I signed a contract that after finishing my studies I will work for them but, unfortunately, I did not work with them. They said that I have to pay all the expenses (tuition fees + other expenses). The tuition fee for sponsored students is QR 30,000, and the tuition fee for non-sponsored.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I want to ask you if the products that offer a money-back guarantee are permissible to promote and to get a commission from because I intend to start promoting products online and getting commissions (like putting images/banners of products on my website or blog and when the visitor will click on them and buy the product, I will get.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Party A rented a room from a landlord. Party B was allowed to stay in the room by party A without any stated/signed terms. The landlord agreed. Party B was completely ignorant regarding the terms that Party A and the landlord agreed upon. Party A went overseas before the tenancy expired and entrusted Party B to vacate the room. The.. More
Once I was buying some goods and I did not notice that an item had fallen into my baby’s carriage except after paying the bill and leaving the shop. I feared that if I went back to return it or pay its price, they would not believe me and accuse me of theft. That item was a packet of cheese that costs one Euro. I did not want to eat it lest I should.. More
Is it permissible to deduct part of the maid’s salary (2,000 riyals) if she refuses to complete the two-year period of work that is stated in the contract which was concluded at the maid suppliers’ office? I paid 5,000 riyals in return for two years of work and she worked for one year only. Should I take half of her salary?
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What are the financial penalties in the Islamic Sharee'ah?
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I was over Fifty, I fell down in the mall and I got some injured at the knees and shoulder and feel almost painful bruises at all my body, a person from the mall insurance contacted me to pay for me related to this incident , please let me know can I have to take these money and is it halal???jazakom Allah khair
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my question is that i work in a store and sometimes and a few times i have done things which may be seen as dishonest i.e once a customer item was not scanning so i put it in his bag for free as the customer was getting frustrated because the amount of time it was taking, also on one occasion i was asked to count newspapers that are leftover at the.. More
If someone damaged something unintentionally and compensated its owner, will such a person or the owner be sinful?
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Assalamu Alaykum I live in india. I purchased a tablet and its faulty, i gave it back to the company from where i purchased for repair. Now its almost 45 days i havent got my tablet, so i am filing a lawsuit against the company. The total cost of the tablet and courier charges are 5000 Indian rupees, so if i win this lawsuit so is it legal for me to.. More
I am working in a company in Accounts dept. I use to make payments through cash, which (CASH) I kept in my draws. 2 days before some one has taken some amt of cash from my draw. I want to know how did this. As i want to clear my position.. More
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