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241 fatwas

  • A wife can advise her husband on how to behave with her

    Salam alaikum, I am curious if it is ok for a wife to advise her husband on how to behave with her? For example, the other day my husband got upset with me for not taking the recycle out of the apartment for two days, and interrupted me when I was trying to explain why telling me I hadn’t done anything that day. I had spent the day taking care of.. More

  • The woman is supposed to reside wherever her husband resides

    A sister who has three sons aged 4 to 7, wants to emigrate from a non-Muslim country to a particular Muslim country to raise her children there. However, her husband cannot enter that Muslim country for legal reasons, and it is not clear when he will be able to join her or if he will even be able to follow her at all. The sister has no relatives in.. More

  • Financial responsibility of the working wife towards household expenses

    Assalamoalaikum, What is the financial responsibility of the working wife towards household and kids expenses, especially if the husband's salary is insufficient to meet the ends in this expensive modern world? can a husband ask her to contribute a little towards expenses? .. More

  • Affection and Compassion Between Spouses

    Does a wife always have to reconcile with her husband if he's displeased with her no matter how trivial his displeasure is? If they had a little fight and wife has mood swings and she doesn't talk to him, will she be cursed and her prayers won't be accepted? And if a wife does a little mistake she is cursed. And if a husband abuses her, will he not.. More

  • Spouses should not leave room for Shaytan to cause animosity between them

    Is it permissive to leave a wife just after delivery a baby because she doesn't want to take long hour flight with him and with 3 months old baby? Their plan was different and the wife wants to postpone travel more 3 months and stay longer with her mom because baby os premature and she is stressed to travel. Before changing the plan, both of them agreed.. More

  • He Is an Atheist and Wants to Marry a Muslim Woman

    Salam,I am an atheist, who wants to marry a Muslim woman. We are doing everything halal and waiting for marriage. However, she wants me to convert to islam before getting married. I would do that and I would help her to practice her believe. And live my life according the Muslim faith. I am fasting. I don’t drink alcohol, I eat halal und pay Zakat... More

  • His Muslim Family Member Is Married to an Atheist Woman

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa baraktuh, my family member who is a muslim has a "marriage"with an atheist woman. Last time i talked with him i asked how his wife is. Now im afraid that im a kafir because acknowledging something thats haram as halal is kufr. What should i do? .. More

  • Having Children is a Right for Each of the Spouses

    My husband and I have been married for 9 months and he wants to delay pregnancy for 2 years until his youngest of three children from his previous marriage is almost 5 years old. He says it's already a big responsibility and he fears the kids may feel neglected with a new baby around. I am 32 years old and long to have a baby while I am still fairly.. More

  • Seeking the Husband's Permission before Going Out

    ASA,I have been married for 11 years Alhumdullah, I do not go out from my house until my husband takes me out.i am a full time housewive,I had a daughter and a son who are school husband is a good man my only question is that after accepting all my husbands command and doing the house chores (I do not have a maid) ,fulfilling all my duty for.. More

  • Solving Marital Problems to Maintain the Cohesion of the Family

    Aoa,I was married three years ago, an arrange marriage. After marriage i get to know their lifestyle was totally different than ours. MY MIL created different types of problems since day first. But I was trying to tolerate and ignore. Husband never supported me as I never complained him too. But after 10 months of marriage I had a miscarriage. Behavior.. More

  • Etiquette between Husband and Wife

    My husband keeps on mentioning the hadith about Hoor Alyn cursing wife.He says whenever I do anything he does not like I get cursed.I do my best to make him happy but I have really phobia because of this, as I always have to keep on thinking I have to get everything done perfect or else I get cursed. The thing is no one can always be perfect, everyone.. More

  • Wife Not Permitted to Refuse Sex with Husband for Mere Fear about Fetus

    My questions are related to pregnancy 1) Can wife rub husband penis to make him discharge if she is 4 week pregnant and doesn't want intercourse to avoid any complications later 2) During nine months of pregnancy during which time safe for baby if husband and wife have ntercourse? 3) Does touching husband penis on his desire allowed in islam ? .. More

  • Wife Asking Husband How Much Money He Owns

    If my wife asks me how much money I own does she have a right to know.If my wife asks me how much money I own does she have a right to know? Do I have to tell her? Is it permissible to not tell her how much money I have? .. More

  • A Wife Disobeying Her Husband Not Knowing That It Is Obligatory on Her to Obey Him

    As-Salamu Alaykum What is the ruling on a wife who doesn't like to be ordered around by the husband or anyone in her family? ?s it an disobedient wife because she fails to obey husband or is it pride and is it a sin or is it (may Allah protect us from this) at the level of kufr of arrogance or kufr? (Bytheway it can be that she doesn't know the.. More

  • Kissing and Hugging between the Spouses

    Assalamualaikum ? Is kissing and hugging the spouse allowed in islam many times daily. Did our prophet kissed his wifes daily? Is it true that only loving couples will kissed and hugged each other many times daily. does woman also will need sex many times or man only? will wife approached forhusband for sex or husband only approached wife ? How to know.. More