Are such groups as Salafis, some Sufis, the Muslim Brotherhood…etc. those referred to in the Hadeeth narrated on the authority of ‘Abd Allaah ibn ‘Amr: "And my Ummah will be divided into 73 groups…." [At-Tirmithi]?
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Who are the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah? If the Ashaa’irah and Maatureediyyah are not from the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah, then who is?
If you classify them under the Islamic sects, you are dubbing them disbelievers and the possibility of their admittance into Hell.
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salam aleikum. i have one question about iman. my husband is a very good and practising muslim. he read the quraan every day, pray the 5 obligatory salats and pray many sunna salats too and is always in the mosque. he reads very much about islam and listen to many lessons too but still he say that lately he have loose his imaan. we always listen to.. More
Assalamu Alaykom, Were the prophets that were sent to the people of Israel (the jews) between the advent of Moses PBUH and Esa PBUH given any holy book beside the Torah? Or did they just rule using the laws of the Torah? Thank you.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, According to the prophet'S PBUH hadith, muslims will be divided into 72 sects, all will go to hell, except one which is ahl al sunnah and jama'a. 1- Does it mean that the other sects will remain in hell for eternity or will just receive some punishment in hell fire? 2- How many deviant sects do we know in this day? Please name some.. More
Is there 4 branches of tawheed? 1. there is tawheed-ur-rububiyyah 2. there is tawheed-ul-uluhiyyah 3. there is tawheed-ul-asmaai-was-swifaat WHAT ABOUT TAWHEED OF LEGISLATION?.. More
I have been recommended the following two books to read to learn about the proper Islamic aqidah: 1. al-Ibânah `an Usûl al-Diyânah by Abû al-Hasan al-Ash`arî 2. al-I`tiqâd wal-Hidâyah ilâ Sabîl al-Rashâd by al-Bayhaqî [edited by Ahmad b. Abî al-`Aynayn] What is your opinion on the above books. Can you please also recommend some books for.. More