I would like to ask the difference between the Sunnis, Wahabees and Salafis. Please also tell me what is the meaning of Muhammadans - the follower of Prophet. Also what is the difference between them and who is likely to be the best slaves of Allaah?
Also I would like to ask you that I am a Muhammadan and I pray only to Allaah but also while.. More
What should one say when somebody ask our Madhab, i.e. sect we belong to. Can us Salafi? As Imaam Nassiruddin Al-Baani has said it is better to say Salafi rather than just saying Muslim... More
My problem is the last timeI thought evil thingsI don't wantI couldn't control it. Ibelieve in Allah (SWT)and His Messenger Muhammad, but sometimes there is like a voice whoin mesaying: 'Muhammad isn't true' andthen this voice says 'now you are a Munafiq.' I don't want to lose my religion, becauseI know Muhammad is the true Messenger. What can.. More
I teach the subject of al-Aqeedah (creed) in Holland to new people. But there is another man who teaches them Sufism and al-Kalam (theology) and speaks ill of Ibn Taymiyah . What should I do?.. More
I'm suffering from a great difficulty. I have strange thoughts in my mind. I get strange questions in my mind about Allah and Quraan and do not know the answers for such thoughts. There is compulsion in my mind to get their answers otherwise it seems to me that I will become a Kafir. I think and think until I become exhausted. I'm now so afraid and.. More