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Is there a Hadeeth that says that the 'Dhikr of the Heart' (that which the angles cannot hear) earns us Hasanaat 70 times more that the 'Dhikr of the Tongue' (that which the angles can hear?) Please do reply. .. More
I want to be an artist when I grow up. But my parents want me to become a doctor or nurse. I really want to become an artist. Can I go against their wishes and become an artist? Is it a sin to draw faces and animals?.. More
If a person greets a group of people by saying Salaam Alaykum, and if someone who doesn't belong to that group hears it, does he too have to reply for that Salaam?.. More
I constantly forget to say "Bismillaah" before doing anything. I know this is a problem, and want to know if there's a way to help this. Are there any Du'aa that you would recommend or any other methods I could use to help me remember to say "Bismillaah" not only before eating, but all the time?.. More
In my college we have a education maintenance allowance system in which we gain £30 a week if we have 100% attendance if someone swipes in the lesson but does not attend the lesson however is registered as present is this £30 a week Haraam because he missed the lesson but was registered as present? .. More
It seen in the usual practice of some Islamic groups or gatherings, to start the sitting with saying 'Al Faatihah' or reciting Quran and concluding the session with the following 'Salathu n-Nabi' "sallallaahu alaa Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam" 3 times. Is there any Hadeeth or such teachings regarding the above said practice? Will it.. More
Can we pray for non-Muslims? Please reply in the light of Quran and Hadeeth. .. More
My question is that I have some friends who always swear for Allaah in everything they are saying means Uksambillaah, Kasambillaah, Walahil-Azeem and Uksambillahil-Azeem, I just wanted to know that is it a bad habit or is it ok to swear for Allaah in each and everything they are saying please let me know so that I could advice them thanks and.. More
What do you think of a religious teacher who divides his student among the wealth and the poor? And threat the wealthy better than the poor. And happened I'm one of the student caught in the middle of this conflicts. What do you think I should do, should I continue having classes with him, when he ignore my presents and sometimes I felt words.. More
Is it necessary in Islam to eat with hand? It’s not allowed to use spoon. I dislike drinking or eating in the used utensil without washing it. Is it sin? .. More
If someone says Wallaahy (swears by Allaah) and is lying but over something really stupid e.g. he says Wallaahy it wasn't me who ate the cake when it was him who ate the cake. Does he need to do a Kaffaarah? What is the difference between an oath and an unintentional oath? What's an oath? May Allaah reward you for your help Inshaa Allaah. .. More
I want to ask you that if a person wants to work 15 hours in a day for making money and experience and obeying the orders of Allaah i.e. Salat so it is permissible for him to do this or not that he is having love of this world so it is not permissible for him to do this. Please tell me that he can or not according to Sharee'ah?.. More
1) Can somebody who listens to music and he has been told that it is Haraam lead people in prayer? 2) I have been watching football for sometime over the last 5 year but now I have now stopped it knowing the loss I have done to myself i.e. making a lot of noise and arguments with people which all contributes to the sin of the tongue. Can I.. More
I love a lady and after time with each other we make a mistake with each other and we deal to marry after that then a big problem happen and we separate I was very sorry for that and feel every thing black I decided to return to god and be sorry for all my mistakes and I go with my family to marry her but she refuse and I try after that with her.. More
May Allaah reward you for all the efforts that you have put in this web site. Please I would like to know how Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, used to drink water during a meal. Was he having a drink while eating or at the end of the meal? .. More
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