About two years ago I quit my cashier job to work with my dad in our Donair restaurant. It's a family run business in which I work five days a week 10 hours a day. And I don't like the job. My desire is to go back to school and finish my course (nutrition) but I'm the only full time worker they have. What should I do? .. More
This question is about respect to our parents and how to treat them. Of course I know that it is important in our religion to respect our parents and especially when they are Muslims. Now my problem is that my father, who is Muslim but who is also ill of cancer and so his psycho is not so good... well anyway he often talks bad about other people,.. More
As we are working together for Islamic cause on various ways, the leader of the group, always trying to find fault with me and chase me for the same. Several time I requested him not to follow me to find fault with and I will do no harm to him. He made quarrel without any reason. For a reconciliation effort with other leaders, I have witnessed.. More
I would like to ask something regarding cursing. Well, there is this story about a man and his mother. They were poor. One day, the man traveled and he became rich. When he returned, his mother welcomed him but he did not admit that she was his mother. He did not admit that she was his mother because he was ashamed with his poor mother. His.. More
May Allaah reward you for this great service you are providing. I have a question in regards to a person who promises that if Allaah blesses him with a boy to name him a certain name. Years go by and Allaah does bless him with a boy but he does not want to name him the same name he originally promised Allaah. Does the person have to keep the original.. More
I am a 8th Grade student and I had written the biography of Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, as one of my class project. In the project wherever I had written the name of our beloved Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, I had written PBUH in parenthesis. My teacher objected to this and said we cannot write PBUH on academic work... More
I'm 25 years old married and have two kids. My problem is that I came up in a very abusive childhood. I was both physical and verbally abused by my mother. I don't want to get into details but, I have mental issues from what she did to me. I broke the ties with my mother around 9 years ago, and what made me really break the ties with her is.. More
I have embraced Islam. I have three children. I live in UAE. I love my husband very much. But till today I never see him pray or fast. I feel very bad about it. He is very short tempered. When he is angry he doesn't knew what he says. The words which come out of his mouth are sharper than knife. During my recent holidays back home he lost.. More
I have a 13-year old brother and I know his hormones are raging at this age to have sex, and I have recently caught him masturbating and don't know what shall I do has he is to young to get married. .. More
I just read this (below) from your web site. "Allah, the Almighty, looks at His slaves during the night of the middle of Sha'ban, and forgives all His slaves (believers) except for two: a malicious man (who is in dispute with others) and a killer (of human beings unjustly)." [Narrated by Ahmad and ruled as authentic by Al-Arna'oot] Actually.. More
I am from Mali, Africa. I live in USA. My father who is in Mali has said I have to marry my cousin since her husband died. This is not something I want to do. I already have a wife here. This is not something she will agree on either. I am Muslim she is Christian. But we have no problem with this. I will never see this woman for many years... More
If a revert has purchased a new house, his parents are still Hindu. They visit the house for the first time. The mother performs some religious Hindu ritual, the son (revert) knows the reason she is visiting the house, but says nothing. He knows he will not take part in it. He simply does not wish to upset his mother and since he will not.. More
We know that wives are not slaves to the husbands but are it necessary the wives must take permission from husband whenever they go out alone or with a guardian. Can a husband stop wife going out with reason or without reason if he wants to? .. More
My friend is a Muslimah who has been married for the past 2 years. She says her husband treats her well and is a religious man whom many think highly of. However she is overly jealous and keeps asking him things that can lead to arguments - such as (promise me you have never been with another woman) he says no I have not, but she is suspicious.. More
I am married to a Muslim who is known to have a drug addiction. His addiction has caused problems which have caused him to move from state to state and Masjid to Masjid. Under what conditions a person should be warned against? He says he is going to change and then he does the same acts over and over. We have lost a lot of property, cars, computers,.. More
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