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3579 fatwas

  • Denying sex to her husband because he drank alcohol

    Can a woman deny to have sex with her husband if he comes home having consumed alcohol?.. More

  • A son insulted his mother and tried to hit her

    I record a girl putting Hijaab on her head without it for 1 min and her hair were firmed, means behind not on her face and when her husband (my son) see that he insulted me and try to hit me and told me that I'm a Kafir and all that in front of his friend, I feel too bad about my son, also because he never feel sorry and tried to hit me, what do.. More

  • Using the title 'Maulana' is permissible

    Are we aloud to say Mawlana to Imaams or big Sheikhs. .. More

  • Urgently seeks forgiveness from Allaah

    I hope this email finds you in the best of health. 1) Couple of days ago I committed such a disgraceful sin which from my perspective is unforgivable. I attributed to Allah something which he is free from, I stated that Allah made a mistake (As-tagfiruallaah) and that Jabriel was only a myth. Out of fear of Allah I have been trembling and worried.. More

  • Greetings to non-Muslims

    Is it possible - under Islamic rules - to say " salam alikom " to non-Muslims ? Could a Muslim say " salam" before a Christian speaks to him ? Is it possible to say " good morning," or any non-Islamic salams? Gazakom Allaho khayransalam.. More

  • Greeting Non-Muslims

    My question is regarding the much talked about issue of greeting the non-Muslims. The Hadith tells us not to begin the greeting to non-Muslims. My questions are:(1) Is the greeting mentioned in this Hadith the Islamic greeting "Assalam Alaikum" or is it any greeting such as "how are you?" (2) If we are not allowed to greet them first, can we start to.. More

  • Greeting non-Muslims

    Is it allowed to greet non-Muslim with the meaning of "assalamu alaikum" but not with word "assalamu alaikum"?.. More

  • Making supplication (Du'aa)

    Du'aa are the most powerful weapon for a believer. Does these Du'aa have to be in Arabic or English? We can make Du'aa for almost anything, right? How many Du'aa are in the Qur'aan? Thank you and take care. May Allah bless you and your family in this life and the Hereafter. .. More

  • How to deal with a child

    I am so confused and don't know who to turn to in a horrible situation I am facing. We are Muslim and believe strongly in Allah and practice our religion with prayers,hopefully Allah accepts them from us. We try to do what is rightous and be fair and God fearing people but people and situations just seem to put a person to the test. I was born.. More

  • Muslims should avoid extravagance

    Ihave a question about how the true muslim should dress? Can he spend his money on expensive clothes and brand name stuff like shoes, caps, phones, etc.? Is there anything Haraam of what that person is doing, because he works hard on his money day and night to at last spends it on brand names: Clothes, phones, caps, shoes and make it all go.. More

  • Shaking hands with right hand only

    I have accepted the Salaafi Da'wah a year ago, in my country (India) most of the people while shaking hand uses both their hands while I have heard that shaking with the right hand only is good. Please clarify according to the Sunnah of the Prophet and also tell what I should supplicate while I shake hand with anyone. .. More

  • Left her husband and became a prostitute

    I'm a married woman and I have a sister who according to my father is a prostitute. My sister was married to her cousin but then she ran away because she said didn't want him. She said she wants her own life and moved in with some friends that lead her astray. My father disowned her and his got bad photos of the doing Haraam things. She said that.. More

  • He talks to women and visits porn sites

    I am new Muslimah and soon to be married. I have recently discovered that my fiancé talks and receives pictures from various women and visits porn sites on the web. I am very troubled at this. Can you please help me to know what I should do? I do not want to leave my fiancé. But this discovery hurts me deeply. I know it is his right to have.. More

  • Wants to be a scholar but father objects

    I reverted to Islaam in last Ramadhaan and in order to achieve my goal in life, I would like to become a scholar. But my father wouldn't like to become one because he wants me to enter the business field and to earn a lot of money. But I am content with what Allaah has given me and have no interest in becoming affluent. What can I do.. More

  • Helping brothers financially while he is in debt

    1. Is it Fard on a person to help his brothers financially even though he is in heavy debt himself? 2. Should a person give sacrifice for his parents on 'Eed Al-'Adha even though they can afford it? 3. A woman's obedience is to her husband and not the in-laws. Can the in-laws tell their son to make his wife do every thing they want her to.. More