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What is the prescribed punishment of someone who commits unlawful sexual intercourse with his stepmother? Should he be executed or receive 100 lashes, knowing that this young man is not Muhsan (currently or previously married)?
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I memorize the whole Noble Quran; all praise be to Allaah, the Exalted, but I have a huge problem. I have sexual inclinations towards young men who are too young to have beards and the practice of sodomy. I have tried more than once to give up such sins but, each time, I fail and re-commit them. Please note that I am poor and I cannot afford to get.. More
Salam alaikum Why is the punishment for lesbianism different from sodomy? They are both abhorrent acts against the natural laws of Allah(swt) and a great crime, shouldn't they both carry the hadd of capital punishment? Yet Ulema said that the punishment for lesbianism is only tazir. Can you please explain? Jazakum Allah(swt) khayr
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As salaam alaykum,
There is an alim in our locality who is also an imaam of a local masjid, the problem is that some local boys have accused him that he has had homosexual relationship with them, but the imaam denies the allegation. What is to be done for such a situation, please answer according to Qur'aan and Sunnah... More
Can an individual kill a homosexual man or should he report him to the government or concerned authorities?.. More
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