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1223 fatwas

  • Surfing pornographic websites

    I'm working in the Islamic school and my boss allowed me to surf on the Internet, but sometimes I'm very frustrated to click on the porn picture. My questions are: 1) Although I'm allowed to surf on the Internet, the boss must joint the sin as I did? 2) I must pay money at the time as I surfed on the porn picture or not. 3) What should.. More

  • Interpreting dreams in Islam

    I just would like to know if there is a way Islaamicly to interpret dreams. If so, could you please shed some light on how you may go about it? .. More

  • Difficulty having his wife with him

    I'm out of my house and far away for job, my wife is in my house with my parents and brothers, as my mother is ill and can't work, but afford to have a servant, I want to take my wife and children with me, but due to mother's illness, I can't, as my brothers are Baligh, I'm from Pakistan, and also have cultural probe. What Islam says Fatwa?.. More

  • Dealing with our mistakes with other people

    Is there any Du'a or there is any act of greeting when by mistake our leg touches other person? .. More

  • Providing security for parties where alcohol is served

    I have my own security team and sometimes I provide security to private parties where alcohol is serving. I would like to know if the money I earn from this parties is Haraam? .. More

  • Use of candles

    I am an American convert to Islam. And I love candles! I use scented candles in my home to create warmth and it's pleasing to my husband. Recently, a visitor said that candles are Haraam. I do not feel this is true. I am not praying towards the candle or lighting in memory of someone. I am using it as home decor period. Please tell me whether.. More

  • Claims studies makes fasting difficult

    I'm student in south Korea, the study is proceed in Ramadhaan which make it really hard to me to be fast. What I should to do? .. More

  • Signs of Allaah to His good servant

    Does Allaah Says or show sign in the prayer time or in dreams to His good slave to do good thing in life or guide them through difficult time when we may have one. That is one of my mean questions I have for long time and reading your all Fatwa interesting me asking you this. Please advice me correctly with references... More

  • Rectal bleeding and fasting

    I got ulcerative colitis, and I bleed some times from my back in Ramadhaan. Does that break my fasting? .. More

  • Wants to marry a woman with child by previous marriage

    I am a 41-years Muslim actually living in Spain I am engaged with a woman from my home country-an Arab country-I strongly love that woman that I want to marry her as soon as possible. The problem is that she has a child (an 11 years boy) from the first husband that I am getting afraid to happen problems about or with the child. So please will.. More

  • Doesn't want to keep a promise to his mother just to please her

    My mother has recently found my bank statement and has found that I have given a lot of my monthly salary to charity. She has asked me to stop doing this and to save for the future and she also stated that I have a duty to pay the bills and pay off the student loan that I have. She has made me promise to stop all monthly direct debits to different.. More

  • Daawoodi Bohras group

    Are Dawoodi Buhra Muslims? In what sense would their beliefs contradict Islam? .. More

  • Proper way of offering the prayers

    For some days I'm offering Salat at home because the Imaam is a blind follower of a particular Madhab. He renounced those who say Aameen loud at the end of Surah Faatihah, and raise hands before Ruku' and Sujood. Ironically enough he claimed these Sunnah acts as innovation while redeemed himself standing on the right path of Sunnah, though he.. More

  • The 'Eed Al-Adhaa sacrifice of a non-praying Muslim

    What is the "judgement" of the 'Eed Al-Adhaa sacrifice that is made by a Muslim that is not praying? Is it Halaal or Haraam? Is it sufficient to say Bismillah Allaahu Akbar? .. More

  • Advising someone from Hadeeth without knowing number, text, etc.

    Is it permissible to advice someone from Hadeeth without known its Hadeeth number, source book, Arabic version, etc.? For example, I know that wearing gold is Haraam for men, but I don't know which Hadeeth saying that it is Haraam. .. More