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1223 fatwas

  • Loan without profit

    Is QARZ-E-HASANA (loan without profit) is compulsory to return to the owner in any circumstances. 2nd is that can a borrower of QARZ-HASANA return some extra amount in addition to the actual amount only and only with his own will... More

  • Taking a loan with interest to repay a loan with interest

    I am in need of taken out a loan to help my father. He has trouble with a loan he has taken out and paying a unbelievable amount of interest and is in trouble and worried that he will lose his house. If I take a loan out the interest I will be paying will be much less and the loan will be clear within 3 years. Whereas the loan my father has which.. More

  • Congregational Du'a' when breaking fast

    Is congregational Du'a' after prayers and just before breaking fasting a Bid'aa? .. More

  • Missed three consecutive Friday prayers

    If Allaah has sealed my heart for not praying three consecutive Jumu'ah, will he forgive me if I do Du'a'? I want to by heart some parts of the Qur'an--will it be accepted? .. More

  • Etiquettes of marriage

    My sister had done Kateb al-kitab (registered married in Islaam) but had not had sexual relations with her husband as they still had not moved in together as they had planned to have a celebration first. They broke up because of certain problems but now they have solved the problems and have reread the Faatihah but have not redone the Kateb al-kitab... More

  • Imaam Shaafi'ee reading of Qur'aan during Ramadan

    I read somewhere that Imaam Shaafi'ee used to finish reading the whole Qur'aan 60 times during Ramadan. This means that he used to finish it twice a day. This is practically impossible if one is reading the proper way. Moreover, The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that whoever reads it in less than 3 days will not be able to grasp.. More

  • Rewards when arriving for Friday prayer

    I understand that it is preferable to go to the mosque even before Adhaan and it entails huge reward. But the narration says that the angels stop writing down after the Imaam rises on the pulpit and the Adhaan is given. This seems to suggest that there is no reward for persons who come after Adhaan and your answer to one of the previous.. More

  • Use of dry grass by the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and his companions

    Please, I last read from this site in a portion I cannot quiet remember that theProphet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and a few of the companions before Islaam use to make use of the dry grass called hashish, I would like to know if this is really true and was in use by the Arabs widely. I am making a research and will be glad to hear from.. More

  • Wife living from husband's Haraam earnings

    I know that if someone is fed on Haraam income it is a great sin and his worship and Du'aa, etc., is not accepted. My question is about the wife who is unable to persuade her husband not to take earning that are unlawful. She has tried her best but failed miserably each time. So if she has no income of her own and she has to live off.. More

  • Discharge comes after bath

    After having slept with your husband then you purify yourself but after coming out of the toilet and you still find out that something is coming out from your private parts do you have to go and make Tahaara again starting from the first to last or just wash yourself and continue with the prayers that you have miss... More

  • Seeks knowledge about Hadeeth and schools of Fiqh

    I'm a Hanafi. The writers of the six Books of Hadeeth (Bukhaari, Muslim, etc.) more of them was Hanafi. So please tell me about the other schools of Fiqh (in brief). I'm in trouble. .. More

  • Fasting Saturday or Sunday

    Is it permissible to fast Saturday or Sunday?.. More

  • When to cut the baby's nails

    Can we cut the baby's nails when the mother is still in confinement period? .. More

  • Confused about new husband's rights

    I have done Nikaah before two years consummation of marriage was delayed due to visa process. Now visa process has been completed and I can go there. But right now my husband wants me to go his home in USA and while he is studying in out side of USA. In case of this I will have to wait for three month. My mother wants me to not go there.. More

  • Wants to make Tawaaf for deceased daughter

    I have lost my second child, she died after four days of birth. Is it permissible to do Tawaaf for her?.. More