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1223 fatwas

  • Death being delayed

    I have some questions regarding to death. Does Allah ever change the time of a person's death? Does it mention anywhere in the Qur'aan or Hadeeth of this ever happening? Also, the night of Al- Qadar, a night better than a thousand months, Allah writes the destiny of mankind for the upcoming year, right? I am asking these because I have read.. More

  • Urgently seeks forgiveness from Allaah

    I hope this email finds you in the best of health. 1) Couple of days ago I committed such a disgraceful sin which from my perspective is unforgivable. I attributed to Allah something which he is free from, I stated that Allah made a mistake (As-tagfiruallaah) and that Jabriel was only a myth. Out of fear of Allah I have been trembling and worried.. More

  • Wants Hadeeth about the hyena as game

    I read a Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was asked about hyena (an animal who is known to be a scavenger) and he said that it was a game? Is this an authentic Hadeeth? If yes are we allowed to eat it? .. More

  • Found a watch in the street

    I have found a watch in the street is it Halaal or Haraam to take it?.. More

  • Making supplication (Du'aa)

    Du'aa are the most powerful weapon for a believer. Does these Du'aa have to be in Arabic or English? We can make Du'aa for almost anything, right? How many Du'aa are in the Qur'aan? Thank you and take care. May Allah bless you and your family in this life and the Hereafter. .. More

  • Can not go to Friday prayer

    I own a pharmacy in California USA. It is very hard to find a pharmacist to take my place on Friday. The Masjid is 20 miles a way and it takes me 30 minutes to get there. I can no longer close the pharmacy and go to Friday prayer. Is this acceptable to miss the prayer? Or do I have to close the pharmacy? .. More

  • Wearing a skirt

    I read your recent Fatwa concerning wearing trousers for Muslim sisters. I understood that this is not allowed but what about wearing a long wide skirt with a jacket on top. No one would realize if this skirt is a skirt in fact or a Jilbaab. In this case is it allowed to wear a skirt outside?.. More

  • Fard prayers for the sick person

    I want to find out if the Fard prayers for a sick person is different from the regular person, Please let me know... More

  • Working on a questionable project

    I work in a project where our company give mobile services to customers. Roaming customers who spend more duration in using mobile will be given some tickets. The more the customer spends time while making calls he will get more tickets. After a scheduled date a draw will be done and the person who is selected in the draw will receive a big prize.(say.. More

  • Designating a guardian for their child in case of their death

    My husband and I live in the USA and we have a 4-year-old son who is both American and Egyptian. We are afraid that we might both die or have an accident, in which case the social services could take our son and give him for adoption, so we decided to make a Legal Will naming a Guardian for our son in the event of our death. The lawyer says that.. More

  • Wiping over the socks

    I have a question regarding the wiping over socks during the ablution. Allaah commands the believers in the Qur'aan [5:6] to wash the feet. So how can we wipe over socks instead of washing the feet? I also read a opinion of Mufti who says that wiping over socks is allowed only for socks made of leather. He says in that article that wiping over socks.. More

  • Illegitimate child leading the prayer

    Dear scholars, I am a revert to Islaam and I married a Muslim man, I was told that Islaam does not allow an illegitimate child to lead the prayer for fellow worshippers, i.e.: he cannot be Imaam. Could you please comment on that issue and if possible provide me with Daleel... More

  • Hasty burials in Islam

    What is the reason for burying the person who passed away within 24 hours?.. More

  • Parent's treatment of disobedient children

    If our children does not obey us, i-e they misbehave with their parents, what should the parents do?.. More

  • A broker guarantees profits

    The forex market is equated to gambling (people might win or lose money) but I have found a broker who is guaranteeing profits. If he goes into loss, he will simply return my money. The profits that I get are calculated on the amount of investments I make, not the profits that he makes. Is it Halal? .. More