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 Selected Fatwa

1224 fatwas

  • Rights of parents

    Its true that in Islam the parents respect is beyond any thing. My problem is this that I have sacrificed my whole life for my parents. I didn’t marry, spend all my earning for my family. My mother merits for obedience are very high, even all my efforts I can’t meet them, she is very strict, she wants that we should obey her all times whether.. More

  • Permissibility of hunting and fishing

    I am a Muslim in Russia (Tatarstan, Kazancity). Here we live under state laws rather the laws of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). In this regard we Muslims are tested by many difficulties in doing business. For example, to do business we fear Allah’s punishment for taking bank loans which charge interest... More

  • Responsibilities of a Muslim

    I was wondering if you could tell me what is the minimum that is expected of a healthy Muslim (in terms of what Ibadah is necessary)? How should a Muslim behave towards family/friends/relatives/ community? What are the responsibilities of a Muslim man/woman? What are the obligatory duties of a Muslim?.. More

  • Genetically modified food

    I would like to ask whether there is any Fatwa regarding Genetically Modified Food (GMF). It is widely produce in US, but Europe is not accepting it for many reasons including that Europe believes GMF is dangerous for health. I read one article on genetically modified sheep; the sheep gene is modified using human gene! Such activity, I believe,.. More

  • Obedience to parents

    Explain the rights of parents in some detail, especially when we think that our opinion is better that theirs when they ask us to do some thing or forbid us from doing something. .. More

  • When Zakah can be paid

    Zakah should at least be equal to 2.5% of a person's savings in a year. I want to know if Zakah for a given year is to be paid during Ramadan or if it can be paid anytime during the year? .. More

  • Placing the hand on the chest after hand shaking

    Is there any Daleel for placing one's hand on one's chest after shaking hands with a brother?.. More

  • Husband wants to have vasectomy to prevent future births

    Can a man have a vasectomy to prevent his wife from becoming pregnant? I'm 28 and have 5 children between two marriages. It is very hard to support the family I already have and I want to know if it is acceptable to have a vasectomy to stop any other pregnancies from occurring. I will do whatever is acceptable unto Allah though... More

  • Following a Madhab

    I am a Muslim student. My friend wants to embrace Islam. Is it necessary that he follow a Madhab? If yes, please cite Qur'an or Hadith to support your answer... More

  • Men praying with pants below the ankle

    While I was praying at a Masjid a brother stopped me and said that one must have clothes (pants/ Arabic dress, pajamas etc.) above the ankle. In-other words men should not cover their ankle while praying. As a result I fold my pants above the ankle and perform my Salat. Please comment. .. More

  • Dealings at the work place

    I've been working in a shop for 3 years, so I had a lot of contacts with some Arabs and some customers from the Middle East, and because I am the only one who speaks Arabic in the pharmacy they come to me for some help or if they want to buy something. The owner sold the pharmacy and the new owner asked me to stay with her. I am the manager now and.. More

  • Concerned for brother who with his family neglect Allah and their elderly mother

    I'm currently living in my mother's home along with my brother and his family. I'm concerned that my brother and his family are neglectful in their duties towards Allah and towards our elderly mother who serves us constantly, but who needs a great deal of help herself. They are good people, very wealthy Ma Shaa' Allah, but are also very worldly.. More

  • Accepting gifts from Muslims dealing in corruption and bribery

    Is it allowable to accept a gift from a Muslim who is involved in corruption and bribery?.. More

  • Purification after wet dreams

    I want to know if someone has a wet dream can he pray the Salat-ul-Fajr without the taking Ghusl, or can he pray after just washing the effected area and changing to clean clothes? .. More

  • Claiming that the Mahdi will be of the Hanafi School

    A certain brother in South Africa says that when Imam Mahdi appears he will be a follower of the Hanafi Madhab. Is this correct?.. More