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452 fatwas

  • Editing Appearance or Clothing of Video Game Images

    Salaam dear brother. Please can you explain to me what the ruling is if you are given a default character in a video game, but you want to edit their appearance or clothing. Does thins come under the heading of haram image making or imitating the creation of Allah. Please see the link so you understand what I am talking about .. More

  • Ruling on Image-Making

    Does image making put one outside the pale of Islam? I was told that we cannot pray for a muslim who has died if they are known to have made sculptures in this life. I was told that image making is the same as shirk even without worshiping the statue. the hadith used as evidence was “Whoever makes an image, Allaah will punish him until he breathes.. More

  • Playing Video Games That Involve Using Magic

    I was told that if a muslim plays a video game or card game which involves pretending to use magic, then it is shirk just like in real life with real magic. Is this true? And what should be done with children who like such games? Apologies if I've sent this question before i have a bad memory. .. More

  • Ruling on Watching Boxing or MMA

    Asalam alaykym what is the ruling on watching boxing or mma for a person who takes the opinion that the thigh is not part of the awrah. I understand that striking the face is haram but is watching it haram even if I don't agree with it, I just enjoy the sport. Also I am not helping them in the sin as I don't pay for it. In short is watching it haram.. More

  • Playing As a Character That Does Kufr In A Game

    Is it kufr to play as a character that does kufr in a video game?. I mean like playing as a witch or wizard. .. More

  • Listening to Music for Healing is Impermissible

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuhu. I have always had troubles regarding periods. My period almost always depends on external factors e.g. yoga/exercise/home remedies. Recently, I came accross a thing called subliminals where u hear some kind of music/tune that changes the frequency of ur brain waves and encourages it to do something i.e... More

  • Erasing Someone Else’s Drawing

    If i erased someone else's drawing, do i need to pay for it?. If maybe the drawing can have value if the owner sell it. .. More

  • Must Delete Chat and Video History on YouTube

    Does bad histories like chat history or video history in youtube has to be delete.d?. I mean example is like i ever have online chats that contain sin or even kufr, and of course the chat history is still there that i can look at it again. Or maybe i ever watch sinful video on youtube, and the history is there that i ever watched it. .. More

  • Designing Games with Animated Characters

    Assalamu Alaikum Iam planning to make a mobile game for childs as well as adults. I want to know that can i go with the development for this game.Is it halal or haram? Theme for this game is, a boy is traveling to find a tresure. Actually the tresure in this game is a box which contains some books which will reveal and find at the end of the game... More

  • Videography for Living Beings

    Assalamu'alaikum, do you know whether sheikh shalih al fawzan permitted non live videography for beings with soul? Jazakallahi khairan. .. More

  • Images of Birds and Fish on Bed Sheets

    Do the image of birds, fish etc on bed sheet, floor mat may prevent angels from enterong our house? .. More

  • Taking Financial Prizes for Winning a Competition

    Assalam Alaikum, I am student and recently me and my friends have made a video game conpetetion and its free entry, and the first one to finish will get reward money. Is this legal in Islam or not .. More

  • Exaggeration in Enjoyment: Islamic Perspective

    Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah, may Allah's blessings be upon you I have that have caused me a trouble in my mind. Can we as a muslim have fun? If so, then can you explain what does this hadeeth means? عن معاذ ابن جبل أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لما بعث به إلى اليمن قال له إياك والتنعم.. More

  • Playing Online Football Games Whereby Players Use Obscene Language

    Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, theres an online game i play, its football but with cars instead of people. It happens that sometimes the opponents get mad and rage when they lose and call others names and stuff like that. Is playing this game still haram even though there are many players who rage and call others names when they lose? .. More

  • Playing a Game Involving Going Through Red Lights

    assalaamu alaykum, what is the ruling on game where you can drive through red stop lights or any haraam deed like a man wearing red or a man in game with a shaved beard or woman not wearing niqaab , etc. please give detailed evidence. jazakallaahu khayran .. More