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Salaam Alaikum. I have another question about Islam. Who are the servants of God? Is every human being God's servant, or only those who follow God? Can polytheists be servants of God? Who are the slaves of God? Is every human being God's slave, or only those who follow God? Can polytheists be slaves of God? Thank you. .. More
My question is somewhat strange, but it has confused me greatly. I would like to ask the scholars about it. The question simply is: why did Allaah create us? The answer is mentioned in the verse: {And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me}. However, Allaah always does whatever He Wills; when He wants a thing to happen, He only says.. More
When a Buddhist asked me about the wisdom behind creating and testing humans, I couldn’t answer. Why did Allaah the Almighty create us although He is in no need of us?.. More
Why did Allaah create man, because I feel that I came to this life in vain? What should I do to increase my love for the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention)?.. More
ASAK.. If angels were already workshipping Allah , then why did Allah create humans and this universe, when he had angels already workshipping him..... More
As the universe is based on contradictions: black is necessarily in return for white and evil is in return for good etc., what is my guilt in being considered an evil person who’s existence is necessity in return for another good person, that is, that all of this is pre-destined for us?.. More
Why did Allaah the Almighty make us live on the earth and not in Paradise?.. More
What are the conditions that render acts of worship valid?
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I know that Allaah The Almighty has created us for the sake of worshiping Him. However, a friend of mine put doubts in my mind about this. What is the evidence that supports this notion?
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I know that Allaah the Almighty Says (what means): {And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.} [Quran 51:56] What then is the rationale behind the creation of mankind and the Jinn and behind the worshipping of Allaah the Almighty, especially since if we worship Allaah or if we do not, this does not affect the authority, sublimity.. More
Assalam U Alikum, Sheikh I want to know about the Love for Allah and the Love for the Prophet(S.A.W). There is a Hadith where Prophet(S.A.W) said no of you have faith until he loves me more than his father , mother, son, wife and even himself. Also we have to obey and love Allah, when we obey and love Allah that is worship of Allah.And in same way.. More
Why did Allaah The Almighty create us and order us to worship Him though He is in no need for us or for our worship? .. More
Did god create us to suffer on earth or to work for the hereafter?.. More
Why did Allah create the universe, and all the living creatures including the Jinns and Angels?.. More
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