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2842 fatwas

  • Wedding anniversaries

    Dear Brothers in Islam, I do not know the stand point of what Islam says about having an anniversary party for those who have been married for such and such years. Is it okay to celebrate it with other people who are not family members, such as making a big party for them? Or is it better for it to be celebrated between the husband and wife?.. More

  • Explanation of sayings

    Please clarify that is it Shirk to say that universe exists in God and God is beyond the universe. Are spirits small part of God like drops from ocean? Please explain in detail the meaning of the words "breathed into him of my spirit" in the Holy Quran (15:29). Also explain the meaning of Hadeeth: "He who knows himself knows his Lord." .. More

  • She wants to live in a Muslim country with or without her parents' approval

    I live in a non-Muslim country and I don't want to live here. Can I leave my parents to become a better Muslim even when my parents don't want that I leave? .. More

  • The effects of prayer and destiny

    We Muslims firmly believe that Almighty Allaah answers our prayers sooner or later. Inspite of a wife's consistent, firm, prayer (ever since she got married to him) for the prolonged life of her spouse, how the sudden death of a person could be explained in this context. In an Islamic sense, does it mean that inspite of our prayers, destiny precedes.. More

  • Permissibility of dowsing in Islam

    There used to be persons who with the help of pendulums or "Y" shaped or "L" shaped metal rods walk through an open field or ground and find out spots where there is abundance of water. They call it dowsing or water diving. Is it Islamic? Can a Muslim employ these persons including Muslims who have full faith in Quranic verses which proclaim.. More

  • Questions of the unseen

    Is there anything more powerful and evil than the Shaytan (devil)? Do Angels ever pass away (die)? Will Angels get punished? What does it mean, when you think of Islam, when your deep sleep, and you cry? Can the dead see us? .. More

  • Feeling sensation after death

    Do the people who believe Allaah when they are died feel pain it is incinerated or burned away? .. More

  • Living among non-Muslims

    Nowadays we are leaving in multi national culture. Most of the time we live in a building and we have non-Muslim neighbours. How should we deal with them? Is it allowed to have fair and good relations with them as we have with Muslims? That means sitting with them, socializing with them, playing with them and going on picnic with them. Is.. More

  • Describing Allaah's Attributes

    Sometimes I read poems of Muslims. They write things like God is beauty God is truth, but as converted Muslim one of the philosophical ideas who made me Muslim (it is of course Allaah Who guided me) is the principle that we only know about God that what he gave us from knowledge about Him (Aayat Al-Kursiyy). My question: Can we say God is beauty?.. More

  • Dajjal's parents

    What will happen to Dajjal's parents? .. More

  • Accepting European values when living in Europe

    What is your stance on accepting European values if you reside in Europe? .. More

  • Doubtful ways of seeking a cure for magic

    Is it permissible to disobey your parents on matters in which you believe go against Islam, and could potentially lead to Shirk (even on the minor level) or Kufr? Such as consulting those whose methods are other than that which is prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah for protection from Jinn and Magic. Could you please elaborate on the bounds and.. More

  • Exorcizing a Jinn

    I have been reading on someone who as a Jinn on him and I read from the Quran! Is voce changes a lot but I just don't know what else to do? I read 8 days on him is there something else that I am missing please help!! .. More

  • 17 year-old son wants to leave Morocco to study in Canada

    My son 17-years born in can. Now for 5 years has been reading in morocco would like to return to do his studies. He finds the school with many problems here. Teachers don't show up, too many kids not interested in reading in French although reading very well is not content to stay. What would you advise? .. More

  • Continues to be troubled by doubt and bad thoughts

    However, I don't understand what 'Ruqyah' means. Could you please explain? Also which supplications should I read that are stated in the Holy Quran? I was not able to mention all my problems in my last question. However, I would like to tell you that I also get very worried during performing my Wudu. I keep thinking I have done it wrong then.. More