If Muslims just play with colours like holy but not offer the rites of Hindu festival holy. Is it right? Can we just put colours on each other just like a water fight? .. More
One time I mentioned in front a child the verse Surah 64 verse: 1.
Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the Earth glorifies Allaah. His is the Dominion, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things. And I explained to him how everything glorifies Allaah then the child asked me does Satan glorify.. More
I am a revert to Islam and my husband is from an Islamic country. We both want to live in his country but I have a concern about where my biggest duty is. I know that as a Muslim I must move to an Islamic country. My mother used to live with us but moved out because she said she could not practice her religion (Catholicism) in our house (I asked.. More
I have done a mistake. I am having lots of problem in my life and few days back I was just lost. I lost the Faith in my prayers I contacted a psychic to ask about my problem. I was reading a book about faith and it stats that a person's prayer won't be accepted for forty nights who seek help from foreteller. What I did? Would you please guide me?.. More
Is the Holly Book is changed? Do we have any proof in Qur'an about this changing? If it changed why? We all knew it was from God so could be changed by human? .. More
Asalaamu Aleykum Waramatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu?dear brothers,it seems that the question I asked was not totally answered. There's no question about the existance of ALLAH but where Does ALLAH came from the start?.. More
I have been told by couple of scholars that some black magic has been performed on me. The effect of which I am not able to get any job or success in business or anything. What has do be done? Which Ayah of Qur'an will help to eradicate or destroy? Does such thing exist?
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I am a Muslim currently living in a Western country, after moving from a Muslim country in order to pursue my education. I have many non-Muslim friends: Christians, Jews and even atheists. I cannot accept what is being commonly said in the Fataawa that all the religions of non-Muslims are not to be accepted on Judgement Day, and that any non-Muslim.. More
I am from Sudan and I'm not part of a very religious family. When I went to visit Sudan I became very religious, but soon after I came back to the US I stopped praying and I can't begin to pray. I regret everyday but if can't get myself to. .. More
I fear I have committed Shirk. Once when having a conversation with my mother whilst watching the news, 'I said Bush owns this world'. I don't know why I said it just came out, I didn't believe this I never meant it in a serious way, just because of the fact the Bush government goes around breaking international laws and invading any country it.. More