I read your Fatwa Tawassul, you wrote that the Hadeeth narrated by 'Uthmaan bin Hunaif which is recorded in Muj'am At-Tabraani as a weak Hadeeth. You wrote that the Hadeeth was declared weak by Al-Albaani. But I read that the Hadeeth was authenticated as Saheeh by Bayhaqi, Mundhiri, Haythami and many other scholars. My question is, why.. More
Does Allaah Says or show sign in the prayer time or in dreams to His good slave to do good thing in life or guide them through difficult time when we may have one. That is one of my mean questions I have for long time and reading your all Fatwa interesting me asking you this. Please advice me correctly with references... More
I read the following Fatwa by Mufti Ibraaheem Desai regarding Tawassul. Please let us know whether what they are stating is true.
Imaam Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy on him, has mentioned that from among the etiquettes of visiting the grave of Rasulullaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, one should make Tawassul through Rasulullaah, sallallaahu.. More
I want to know if it is true when someone is alone that Satan will do everything to change that person even if that person prays. What do you think I should do? Do you know any Du'a that can help? Can you write them down for me? .. More
If an Indian Muslim can immigrate to Canada for good life. Please reply in the light of Qur'an and Hadeeth. It is very important for our family, mother wants to immigrate to Canada, and her sister is there. Father wants to stay in India as he likes his place and people around. Financially we are not very well. .. More
My sister told someone that she was died and her from the sky was looking for her body and two weeks later there a fire broke in her house and she died, she also said for a few people that she think, she is going to die she is feeling something around her heart after she die her friends came over and told as this, I am so surprised is this.. More
I ask about the case of a woman that live alone in states and nobody with here she is Muslim and her family, I mean father and brother don't care at all how she live they even never call her or ask about her, she called them every week to do this for Islam, and she really suffer about that kind of negligibility of her family. She was good.. More
I humbly ask my knowledgeable brothers to help with the following problem I have. I am a revert and live in a non-Muslim country. Is it Halaal for me to marry a sister from a Muslim country and bring her to live in my non-Muslim country? I have heard that as a Muslim you are not allowed to move from a Muslim country to a non-Muslim country unless.. More
1) In what order if any will the following major signs of the Day of Judgement occur, the smoke (Dukhan) and will the people living in the west flock to the east i.e. the Muslim countries, also the three landslides and I am aware of one of these landslides taking place in the Arabian peninsula, where would the other two landslides occur,.. More
There are numerous Hadeeths of our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) that tell us that the hardships a Muslim faces in this life help him to gain more rewards in the after-life or decrease his punishment in the after-life.My questions are:1. If the hardship that a person suffers is entirely his own fault (for example: driving carelessly and then having a severe.. More
If Allah has written for us a hardship or a calamity, why does Allah let that calamity or hardship befall us? Is it because Allah wants to test if we put our trust and reliance upon Him during a hardship or is it a matter which only Allah knows? Is it true that if good fortune and bad fortune befall a Muslim, the Muslim can get good from the good.. More
It is said that if one dies the picture of hell for the disbeliever or heaven for the righteous person would be shown before they were move to the grave. Then what is the need of questioning in the grave? .. More
Concerning the major signs of the Day of Judgement, what has the beast of the earth have to play in this critical period, also is it true that the beast will have Prophet Sulaymaan's ring and Prophet Moosaa's, may Allaah exalt their mention, stick as a sign to the Mu'mins, could you give me substantial amount of information on this topic... More