I have heard that living in non-Muslim country is forbidden until you have a valid reason for that. Economics is certainly is not one of them. When I contacted the Imam of the mosque he asked me where I will live then? His ruling was there is no place right now where true Islamic culture is present, even if you take a home just outside Haram (in Mecca).. More
I have heard some people here in France saying that Muslims should not live in non-Muslim countries. I am confusedabout this claim. Please clarify this pointin light of Islam, remembering that there are people living here in Europe and in USA for generations and there are people who are married andtheir children are natives of those countries... More
The question: I want to ask is of utmost importance to me and I would appreciate if it can be answered as soon as possible.
I married my wife ten years ago. She was born in a family where father is an atheist and mother is a non-practising Christian belonging to Armenian Church. My wife is educated and makes opinion about the things on logic... More
Here in Pakistan, we use to hang some Qur'anic Ayah for protection or maybe for benefits. Is this permitted?Is it correct that a Sahabi (I don't know his name) used to have Ayah in his neck for protection or on his children?.. More
It is a common practice of Muslims in India and Pakistan that they wear Taaweez (amulets) of very small size Holy Qur'an around their neck. Is it permissible or not?.. More
I would like to ask you about Jinn. Is it true that they live with us and eat our food? I heard that we should cover the food but if they can eat they can also uncover it, right? How can I protect my house against bad Jinn?
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I heard from some friends that according to Hadith some Muslims who are not very pious or who follow some innovations (Bid'ah) will go to Hell for some time and then enter Jannah. Is this true? I know so many verses in the Holy Quran that says something different.
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In Surah Muhammad it is described ‘in heaven there will be rivers of wine which we can enjoy drinking from it’. I just found this to be contradicting in the fact we can’t drink wine here (for good reasons which I know off) and in heaven we can drink. Can you give me an explanation so I can understand and explain to other if ever asked... More
In al-Qur’an, we may find the term 'Rijal-ul-Ghaib' (people of unseen).Who are these people? What are their functions in the existing world? Can we communicate with them? If so, how do we communicate with them in this life? .. More
Iam a student from Yemen studying in the United States and living with an Amercian family. Its a new program which allows Middle Easten students to come study in America for one year.I would like to know ifI can eattheir meat even though it is not Halal, beef chicken and not ham? .. More