I was wondering if it is only the Shaitan and the Jinn that can whisper to mankind. Is it in the Sunnah that angels might whisper to ordinary people for help or guidance? Please give evidence... More
1) I am a Moroccan Muslim, I am now living in Italia, I want to know if I take a meal in a house of an Italian, is it Halal, I mean eating with Christians is Haram.
2) I am working in a restaurant as a cleaner, in this restaurant there is the wine, it s forbidden, some times I go to church to ask for help. What Shariah says?.. More
While chatting with a female through the net, she gave some very bad abuse to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). From that day I am feeling guilty that because of me, she used some very bad words to our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). What should I do as a compensation for that act?.. More
My question is regarding the issue of Satan and God. It is said, that when God created Adam he asked all the Angels to bow to Adam, everyone did except Satan. He refused. The question is: He is not Angel, but a Jin, then being a Jin, why he was included in this order? When he was ordered to leave, did he leave alone or he had some followers that left.. More
I have been discussing the subject of using "Waseela" while supplicating to Allah (SWT) with some Muslims, and have come to know that there are quite different opinions about fact whether the use of "Waseela" in Du'a is Halal or Haram. Could you please provide me with some information about this subject, some Ayah from the Holy Qur'an or authentic Ahadith?.. More
Since the beginning of my marriage which was about 6 years now, my husband and I had a spell on us, the reason why I know this, is because I started seeing the Jinns' faces on the carpet, and feeling them on my body, which made me develop a fear in my life, supposedly this was done, to make me divorce my husband, so another would marry him, but we are.. More
I have heard that it is forbidden for a Muslim to live in a non-Muslim country, so should all the Muslims who live in non-Muslim country e.g. USA go back to their native land?.. More