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Assalam alaikum, someone told me that if in our family someonerecently dies, we shouldn't do the rituals of shab e barat. Is it true or just a myth.Please reply.
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I have been researching mid-shaban and when looking at the opinion of Shaykh al islam ibn taymiyyah, at one place I found that he said that gathering in the masjid is makruh but in Majmoo fatawa he states that it is not makruh Majmu’ Al-Fa??w?’, (23/131).
So what was his position regarding gathering in the masjid please? I have read many other.. More
ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WA ROHMATULLOHI WABARAKAATUH Sheikh,in our country people quote a Hadith that there ‘There is a palace in Paradise for those who fast the month of Rajab'.Is this hadith authentic? I was told that Fasting in sacred months hadith has been declared as weak.Should we act upon this weak Hadith? JAZAAK'ALLOHU KHOIRON.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a Muslim friend who died during Muharram. Can you please tell me whether people who die during Muharram go to Paradise?
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An old man of around 68 years of age shared a story with me; he said that he used to be sick for months and that there was no cure; he even spent two or three months in the hospital and fell sick three or four times within a year. However, one day, he went to an islamic scholar praching some days of Muharram. He said that the scholar told him that on.. More
May Allah reward well our Islamweb shaikhs.Aameen.Can I touch my word for word translation {arabic & english text}during menses? & Is there any festival for the people how fast shawaal 2-8? (six fast festival) jazakhallah khair..!.. More
AsalamoAlikum Warahmatullah Dear Brothers/Sisters, In my community there are some people who give special importance to the 'First Thursday' of every 'New Islamic Month'. The locals usually call it 'Nauchandi(new moon) Jumerat(Thursday)'. The people believe that giving charity or doing good deeds on first thursday will bring greater benifits e.g... More
What are the days that should be fasted (for being a confirmed act of Sunnah)? What is the ruling on fasting the first day of the Hijri year, the fifteenth of Rajab and so on?
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What is the ruling on doing special acts of worship or performing voluntary prayers on New Hijri Year’s Eve? What is the ruling on inviting Muslims to perform voluntary prayers and worship at night in congregation on that occasion?.. More
I would like to ask about certian days of the year that if someone passes away on them is there any speciality in them. For example, no punishment in the grave maybe. I have heard that friday is one of those days, so what about Eid or 15 of Sha'aban and days like that? Jazzakom Allah Kola Khier.. More
Please can you enlighten me on the importance of fasting and special Nawafil on the last Wednesday of Safar? .. More
Please tell me about the night of the middle of Sha'baan and what prayers should be recited?.. More
The Fatwa about celebrating Ramadan 16th the day of Badr? Taraweeh 8 and 20 Rak'ah. Which is lawful?.. More
Is there anything special in the month of Safar, because people are saying that in this month Allah sends many problems for his slaves? Is it true that we are supposed to pray specific prayers to protect ourselves and we are not supposed to marry or have any other happy occasion?
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I have a question concerning the month of Rajab and Sha'ban. Some people say that the 27th of Rajab and the 14th of Sha'ban are nights of worship.
Please explain in detail, so I can help my Pakistani community to understand this, because in our country the three scholars said that it is a special night and I don't see any evidence in the Hadith why.. More
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