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I know that parents must be just in giving gifts to their children. But sometimes you may be out with a parent and they may take you out for lunch or buy you some snack. Is it permissible to accept this since the other children won't receive it, although the parent does generally provide for all of the children?
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Assalaam alikum brother, My question is regarding sihr. I have a son 25 yrs old who liked a girl from his school days and wanted to marry her which we refused as she was not appropriate for him. By ALMIGHTY ALLAH S mercy he left her but even after he left her, he is not able to forget her and he is always angry from us, doesn't like our company, always.. More
Respected Scholar, We are in very grave situation and ask you for help and guidance and a fatwa. We live in Canada, we sent our oldest daughter, who is now 31 years old, to a Darul Uloom in Buffalo,NY at the age of 13. At 18, she completed her Hifiz and Alima. She told us that she was sexualy abused by the owner/teacher of that Darul Uloom. Due to this,.. More
Asallam u Alaikum,With regards to previous question number 2548271 If parent said to child in anger 'you will be questioned by Allah about how you were with your parents, I will not' The parent was not trying to say that they will not be questioned at all about how they behaved with their children but that the son/daughter will have more responsibility.. More
My 22-year-old daughter quit education as a result of her academic failure. Accordingly, she feels jealous of her younger brother and hates him as she feels he is superior to her. She accuses me of favoring him and standing by his side. She has not talked to me for over two months now. Should I take the initiative and talk to her first? .. More
Assalaamu Alikkum i have three sons and all married , my 3rd son is settled well but he had misunderstanding with his wife . he was tolerating her for 15 years and still she did not become good. but atlast he got married to other girl . now he is very happy and enjoying his life/// later his first wife said that because of me only she was like that.. More
I have been widowed recently and i wanted to know if i am obligated to pay zakat on any savings i have.Also i wanted to know,being a widow and mother of 3 children,if i spend the rest of my life as a widow and do not remarry,bring up my kids and try to fullfil all my duties as a mother and a muslim what will my status be on the day of judgement infront.. More
as salamo alaykum. My questions concerns the my relationships with older non Muslim children. Since accepting Islam some years and I recently made hijrah to a Islamic country; one child imparticular has caused me so much grief from lies and treacherous and deceitful acts; does the shari'ah support breaking all contact with non Muslim children who hurt.. More
My Muslim friend in India, has a Muslim wife, she is the daughter of a very rich man .Her father gets a rent of INRS 400,000 per month from a company, in Mumbai. What is her share from the rent? They are 3 brothers and one sister in all. The father, on instigation from his eldest son, adopted the grandson as his adopted son. The father has given.. More
My son got married about three months ago I was really very happy then after ten days of the wedding my son went to England because of his job and my daughter-in-law was left behind due to visa problem. during this time I found that we were very kind and just to her we treated her like our daughter but in the return we got nothing she doesn't.. More
I am so confused and don't know who to turn to in a horrible situation I am facing. We are Muslim and believe strongly in Allah and practice our religion with prayers,hopefully Allah accepts them from us. We try to do what is rightous and be fair and God fearing people but people and situations just seem to put a person to the test. I was born.. More
If our children does not obey us, i-e they misbehave with their parents, what should the parents do?.. More
What is the ruling of Shariah concerning a father who prefers his daughter more than his sons?
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Is it right for a father to reject his son and put him away from his family, if he does not accept to marry the woman who the father has previously made an engagement to?
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My little sister always takes over everything and everything she wants she gets, and that's not fair. Is that Haram in the Deen?.. More
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