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Is continuous virginal discharge due to infection Impure ?
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Shaykh, my question is how should I clean my glasses, which are very thin, from an impurity? Should I keep them under water or just wipe them off with a damp cloth?
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If madhiy touched my leg , can I wipe it or do i have to wash it?
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Is the water that I am using to clean myself najas if it falls onto the toilet seat?
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Assalamu Allaikum plz reply we got a najazah on the carpet and i dont remember on which spot was it on it however we washed the carpet but im confused if we should wash it only one time is this sufficient or should we wash it thrice plz reply
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Is it necessary to wash toilet seat of westren toilet after every usejQuery111006858539518565263_1604466284541
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Assalamualaikum if water becomes pure and the container which contains this impure water is not washed ,the impure water is thrown and pure water is poured in such a container will it become impure? How do i purify containers ? Like do i have to pour water on each and every surface like first on the edges and outer side of the bucket handle of the bucket.. More
Assalamualaikum i want to know about the rulings of impurity tranafer because i am getting ocd of impurity .does a wet impure cloth when put on another wet cloth transfer impurity?if the impure cloth is put on a wall or a rope for drying do the walls and ropes also become impure? If i touch it with wet hands and touch other places like walls and doors.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,If someone deliberately leaves a room which contains some impurities knowing it will be cleaned in a way that is not Islamic which might potentially spread the impurities, would they have to repent and clean the whole room since they left deliberately or just the same places they knew the impurities were in before?Thank you
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Assalaamu alaykum. Do I have to wash after touching things that are haram? I am not talking about pork or urine, but rather about things like a phone case which has a design that is haram. If I touched it, would I have to wash my hands?
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It has been determined through research that one in seven banknotes in the UK is affected by faecal matter. Therefore it is inevitable that this faecal matter comes in touch with people's hands. Do we therefore regard money as impure to touch? Or do we ignore this waswas (whispering) and continue to touch money on the basis that our senses do not see.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: for example, I stay with people that are not really worried about eating stolen foods or using stolen perfumes and so on. If I get into contact with those foods, perfumes, and so on, can I then pray in this state, or do I have to wash it off? Please note that it is really hard to avoid.
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Is the man and the woman's ‘Awrah (what should be covered of the body in front of others) impure?
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If my hand is impure, does it render everything I touch impure?
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As-salaamu 3laikum. Is impurity transferred by oil/gel or just by wetness? If I have oil on my hand and I touch a dry impurity/ an impurity that can't be seen, does my hand become impure? Jazaakum Allahu khair
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