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Dear scholars, my question is regarding the following hadith:
Jabir bin 'Abdullah As-Salami narrated, "A bedouin gave the Pledge of allegiance for embracing Islam to Allaah's Messenger
and then he got an attack of fever in Medina and came to Allaah's Messenger
and said, 'O Allaah's Messenger!.. More
Dear Shaykh, assalaamu alaykum. A friend forwarded me this hadith in WhatsApp. Could you please tell me whether this is an authentic hadith or not?
The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, went toFaatima's house with his Companions Abu Bakr, 'Umar, and 'Uthmaan. There, they were served honey in a bowl, in which a strand of hair accidentally fell... More
Dear respected Scholar, can you please explain the following hadith to me: When the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,saw a man eating with his left hand, he said to him, "Eat with your right hand." The man said, "I cannot." Thereupon, the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, "May you not be able to." Thereafter, the man was not able to.. More
In our local mosques, people bring bottles of water on the day of the completion of the full Quran (khatam) in taraweeh in Ramadan. After the prayer, when the full quran recitation is completed, the haafiz (memorizer of the Quran) blows on the bottles of water. Then people take those bottles home and drink the water with the intention of healing from.. More
Asallamu alakium dear shiekh is the following hadeeth authentic this is the wording of the hadeeth“Out of Aden-Abyan will come 12,000, giving victory to the (religion of) Allah and His Messenger. They are the best between me and them.” (HR. Ahmad: 2918, 2079 and Ath-Thabrani in Al-Kabir: 11029 (11/56).I seen this hadeeth being widely shared on Islamic.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatah. Shaykh, is this hadith authentic? If it is authentic, then does it imply about the mureeds as the Sufis say, that the mureed (disciple) of such and such shaykh will not enter hellfire... or that their peer will save them by interceding on their behalf? The hadith is the following: Ibn Umar, may Allaah.. More
Aslamualakaum. There are three hadiths: one: The best deed is praying on time. Two: The best deed is to do dua for oneselves. Three: The best deed is to give food. How do we relate these hadiths. Does the propeht mean best as a way of encouragement rather than best, or could it mean all three are the best as there could be more than one best.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I sent this question before, but sorry sheikh, the fatwas that you sent did not answer it, they did not really touch on the issue that I asked about. They talked about writing down, my question was in genreal, if some hadith did not reach us, I do not think that the fatwa answered that. Is it true that not all sayings or hadiths that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, if someone says something bad or does not like a sunnah and does not know that it is a sunnah, is this kufr (disbelief) or a sin? For example, a person does not like honey.
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Assalaamu alaykum. There is a hadith that says that we should give 'naseehah' to Allah, his messengers and his books. What does this mean, as I read that naseehah means advice, so how can you give advice to Allah or his messenger or his books. I read somewhere that it means to believe and obey, but I do not understand how they got that as naseehah means.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I read this somewhere: "And she ['Aa'ishah] oncetold him in an angry speech, 'You are the one who pretends to be the Prophet of Allaah.'" [The Revival of Religious Sciences, volume 2, page 43. Authored in the 11th or 12th century by Al-Ghazaali] 1) Is this authentic? 2) Why would Al-Ghazaali include this in his book, even if he recorded.. More
Assalamu alaykum. Is it true that Imaams Ibn Taimiyah and Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy with them) also wrote similar stories to what is mentioned in Fadhaa'il Al-A'maal and that Sheikh Zakariya just copied these from them ? Is that true?
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asslam o alaikumi wanted to know about the following two ahadith as i could not find them ( I think may be they are in tabar): (Note: these are the meanings of the ahadith)1) "Allah does not like a fat scholar"2) A woman came to prophet and was happy that hers on was martyred in that battle but prophet said do not be happy as maybe he had done some.. More
Assalaamu alaykum brother. I was just wondering, I saw a hadith what says that Adam came 7000 thousand years before muhammed, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, so that would mean that Adam came 7000 BC, but how is that possible considering that we know that humans have been here for at least 40 thousand years. It would be greatif you could explain.. More
Assalamu alaykum. First of all, I would like to ask that Allaah reward you with the best. I have asked you questions many times and you answered them. I love you and all the other scholars worldwide for the sake of Allaah. May Allaah be pleased with all of you. My questions today are about the Ottomans. Many muslims mention the hadith, "You will conquer.. More
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