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When we read a Hadith is it important to see who is narrating it? Is it important for it to be by Bukhari or Muslim? Sometime it is not said; should that mean that we should not take these Hadith seriously?.. More
What's your opinion about the next Hadith narrated in Sahih Bukhari, in the chapter of the knowledge (Bab al-'ilm), explained by Abu Huraira: "Hafizto Min al-Nabiyyi (saw) Wi'â'ayni, Fa'amma Ahaduhuma Fabazatahu, Wa Amma al-Ajaru fa-Law Bazatahu Qut'ia Hadha al-Bul'um" and what's the relation between this Hadith and Tasawwuf (Sufism)... More
Is there a Hadith that forbids sailing by sea unless we are going to Hajj or Umra or Mujahideen Fi Sabeel Allah. Is it a verified one? Can we sail for travelling or not?
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Can a Muslim believer claim that he should only follow what ALLAH (s.w.t.) orders him to do without any other guidance from the Hadiths of the Prophet (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) on how to do things? In one word only, what does Qur'an say?
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This is to express my deep unrest, unhappiness and sadness because the heads of deviations and innovations are actively working openly and freely in and outside the Muslim world, getting away with their destructive work against true Islam and no one is stopping them!
1. What is the rule of Islam on them?
2. Why don't the governments of Muslim.. More
1- There is a Hadith that says that if we see a black flag from Khorasan then we should go to it even if we had to crawl on ice/snow because Imam Mahdi is with them. Is this Hadith Sahih or Hasan?2- Can we sit with a group of people making Bidah? What does our Prophet (S.A.W)and our pious predecessors say on this matter?3- While giving Adhan should.. More
1- Who are innovators? 2- Is performing prayer behind innovators permitted?3- I want all the answer from Qur'an and sahih Hadith
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1-Asalaam alaikomI am looking for the source of 3 ahadith and are they authentic or not. I would appreciate your assistance. The ahadith are:1. The hadith that says that if a man has a wife who doesn't control her tongue and he DOES NOT divorce her, then his Du'a is not answered.2. The hadith that says that if a woman prays her 5 prayers, guards her.. More
Please explain the hadeeth that the sun sets to prostrate under allah's throne (arsh)? It's known that earth goes round the sun... More
Explain the hadeeth that the ummah would splinter to 73 groups as happened to the Ummah of past and present in full details.
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What is the fatwa on reciting Mawleed un Nabi on day of Meelad un Nabi Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?
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Every 10th and 11th of Muharram there is a celebration in my country where people will dance in the street holding swords and act as if they are fighting.[NOTE.As if they are reviving the tragedies at KARBALA]. Your comment please.
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Is there any authentic Hadith for treatment of vitiligo? Please let me know the procedure of treatment. May Almighty Allah will give you the reward... More
I am buying books about Islam, I just purchased sahih Bukhari. Tell me other books of Hadith, to buy and other books of Hadith good like Bukhari and Muslim, catagorized, like Bukhari and Muslim... More
I came across this Hadith, you could please explain what it means? Narrated Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (number 960) The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that no woman annoyed her husband in this world without his wife among the large-eyed maidens saying, "You must not annoy him. Allah curses you! He is only a passing guest with you and is about to leave you.. More
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