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Dear brother(s), I have come across some hadith which I would like to know if they are genuine. If so what are their references? Hadith 1: "And the prophet peace be upon him said, "The mosques are built for Allah the Most High, " Hadith 2: And the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Whoever visited a mosque visited (so to say) the Most High Allah (Himself).. More
I have asked 2 questions previously but have not recieved an answer or a question ID. Can you please look into this matter? I have 2 new questions 1) Can you explain the meaning of the hadith in question ID 4267. 2) Has the time mentioned in the following Hadith arrived "When you behold that the affection among the people has disappeared and the sense.. More
I have read a Hadith (expressed in my words): some of SAHABA came to Prophet Mohammad and said that sometimes something came to their hearts without their control and they hate these things and they said before we say (or describe) these things it is better that we put fire on us. Then Prophet Mohammad said, this is Clear Faith (IMAN SARIH)... More
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