What Du'aa to say for searching or retrival of lost items from Suna and Quran?.. More
while i was in egypt i promised my self (NAZR) that i will cut a gaot nick in ADHA EID but at the moment i'm working in gulf area (also i ahve the money to fullfill my promise ).my question is can i delay my promise till i come back to egypt or i have to ask some body else to fullfill my promise ?.. More
Assalamualaikum,Im from India, many people here when they wore new clothes or new shoes say Assalamualaikum to others like who ever is present at home that time, apart from saying dua for wearing new clothes or new shoes and others who saw him/her saying dua to him/her. Is it an act of bidah? .. More
Selam Alejkum, Please want to start building new house soon INSH-ALLAH. Can you advice according to Hadith or any other advice based to islam, what is necessary to do before starting? I know that we have to start with supplication but don’t know which the ones are. Very important for me please advice in details what is necessary to do exactly and.. More
Assalamu alaykum, My question is that can you ask Allah anything like due'a, you can ask Allah any dua you want right like, o allah make me smart, or give me beauty, will Allah except this dua , please let me know insha allah assalamu alaykum.. More
i have sickness, which doctrs says is not easy to cure.... could you pls tell me a Du'a prophet recied for sickness or a medicine for sickness whihc prophat used... More
Assalamualaikum, When somebody asks us to make dua for them, even though our heart doesnt wish to make dua for him/her, does it becomes obligatory for us to make dua for him/her. when the person said to make dua for him/her, at that time if we did not say yes or ok i will make dua because because i didnt wish to make dua for him/her and just kept quiet... More
I have read in many places that when you sleep, spiders and insects might go in your mouth and you might swallow them while you are asleep. How do you stop this from happening and is it haram to swallow a spider?.. More
is doing salat to prophet(pbuh)ie.ya nabi salamu alaikkum together in chorus in congregation allowed?please give relevant ahadith or quranic verse.jazakallah.. More
Is it okay to laugh of sounds coming out of another mans behind? Muslim and non-muslim?.. More
I would like to know about the right mindedness of fearing Allah. It seems that many people I talk to will admit to love of Allah but fall shy of admitting fear of Allah, preferring to quote that Allah is as His servants see Him. But in the Quran in only a very small number of Ayats are we told to love Allah but in a very great number we are told.. More
In your previous fatwas u stated that the intimacy between spouses is like a sadaqa and a person will be rewarded, will a person be rewarded for all the acts like kissing, hugging, fondling, mutual bathing ( as it is a sunnah bcoz the prophet use to bathe with his wives) and looking each other rather than watching pornographic sites? 'May allah.. More
asak plzz give me tha ans as soon as poosible in islam if the father sees her daughter with a cheap intension will da father hv da same imp after this.. More
Asalamu3alykum I have grown very suspicous of my mother over the last few weeks. So, I decided to do some investigating and found that my suspicions of my mother talking to man other than my father were true. The content of the conversation I have found was very unislamic for a married muslim woman, or any married woman for that matter. I have been.. More
I would like to if there is any dua to rectite when you (1) count your money and (2) you hear the news of a non-muslim (man or woman) has passed away ? Can you provide the arabic version in roman english as well as a translation in english ?.. More
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