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3579 fatwas

  • Stole some money when he was 5

    when I was around the age of 5, still living in the old country, I saw a pile of money unguarded from a merchant who left for a few minutes. I didn't know any better and now that I'm mature enough to know it's wrong, I always feel haunted and depressed that no w I live in America and I may never again see that poor merchant, may Allah make him.. More

  • Two Muslim brothers deserting each other

    two of my best muslim friends do not talk to each other. please let me know what kind of sin they are commeting. secondly, if they pray side by side will it affect the prayers of others (since they do not have relationship between them).. More

  • Entered his married brother's room without his permission

    Assalamu alaikum, for some reason i dont knwo i cannot reply to you guys, it wont work, so i am going to copy paste the Q & A and the reply here: Question Number:280436:Question:Assalamu alaikum, about 2-3 months ago i was home alone, and my brother is married, he lives with us so does his wife, they have their own room, but its like 99.. More

  • Wants to repay for theft and repent

    Salam alikum, i hope your in good health andgood well. I four years ago was working at a clothing store, where i was weak in iman in past. I was involved in purchasing few suits for 1/3 of thier value, without owner/manger permission. which i consider stealing.- suits bought at 1/3 of Selling price 4 years ago- real value might be 30-50% of.. More

  • Looking to oneself in the mirror whilst naked

    Are these things allowed in Islam, (a) to sleep naked in a private room (b) to look yourself naked at the mirror (c) oral sex?.. More

  • Fears that his wife's family will corrupt his wife and children

    Alsalam Alykum, I live in one of the European countries with my wife and two kids. Her family lives nearby. I have no family here. My wife, I and her family went into some trouble in the past (three years ago) when my wife left me with the first kid asking for divorce and went to her family who supported her without even trying to listen to me. Her.. More

  • Needs a supplication to remove other people's bad thought about her

    Salam Alaikum. A friend of mine is afraid that another person she knows is thinking in their mind that she is guilty of an act that she is not. She wants to know if there is any duaa or anything she can do or say that can make the other person change their minds about my friend. Jazak'allah Khaer... More

  • A woman without husband or unmarriageable relative

    What should do a widow or unmarried girl if she has not any male Muslim as a protector to travel or anything else - should she stay at home even if she cannot ? Does she have to leave shopping, learning etc. ? Please, reply to my question, may God bless you. Salam... More

  • Calling someone by their disability

    Is it okay to call someone by their handicap, for instance: Mohamad the blind, Ahmed Alaaraj (the one who limps)..... More

  • Supplication during prostration

    I was wondering about if its ok to supplicate during Sajdah, and if its ok to supplicate silently when I'm out and about?.. More

  • Her father died while he was angry with her

    I have something deep in my heart that had been hurting me since 12 years now. My father passed away and he was upset with me and we were not talking to each other. I regret it and always feel guilty and seriously I suffered and still suffer a lot from this. I don't know if Allaah accepted my "Tawba" and I'm very concerned about this. Please help.. More

  • Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah; verily, Allaah forgives all sins

    Hi, I'm a canadian/tunisian, my parents were both born in Tunisia. My mom is muslim in her heart, and my dad is anti-religion. My family back home is 100% muslim. I haven't really had a lot of muslim influence in my life, but now I am reading the quran, and I would like to believe I am muslim, but I have sinned big time! I know God is merciful and compassiona.. More

  • His father humiliates him for marrying a Christian woman

    Asalamu alaykom I am a muslem and I have recently marriend to a non-muslim(christian) girl. Sience then my father who is also a muslim has been very hars against me.. insulting me and punishing me by non respecting my will of decision and humiliating me deeply...he did not attend my mariage wich was not in the church. yet I live in a town of 25000 people.. More

  • Submitted a forged certificate to enter university

    A friend of mine has completed her education in one of the countries .In their school system they have 11 years of schooling then 1year military then they complete12and 13 year schooling, instead she didnt complete12 and 13 becaucause her parents didnt allow her(u know). In order to complete her studies she entered with a certificate she wasnt educated.. More

  • Lying to uncle's wife to stop her from having lustful relations

    Alsalam Dearest brothers/sisters, i have a major problem i have a question but there is long story behide it i will try and make it as short as possiable. I have an uncle who is married and has 3 kids but his wife is cheating on him with his newphew(my cousin) and he is married too. His wife (the nephews) confronts him as she sees messages on his phone.. More