1) If a wife tells her husband that she will never observe his marital rights unless under the condition she demands, is this the same as saying Talaaq? 2) I recall, a Hadeeth, and I do not remember the narrator or the chain as I neglected to learn it, but one of the Ansaar of Madeenah was with his new wife whom I think was a maid. Having been made.. More
my husband told me that he lusts for a woman that we know. when I asked him what he sees in her. he started describing her sexy features. her smiles, her laughs, her teeth, her thighs. which of course he never seen without clothes. Please show me the right way to deal with this. I am very upset. Is it ak not to sleep with him again? Please help. Thank.. More
I am 38 years old. I did some wrong in my life, which was doing evil things to my body (masturbation) while I was adolescent. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and I have severe disability. I am in wheelchair, having tremors and difficulties with speech. I would like to know what does religion say about the relation between the above.. More
I study in the USA and I have my wife and 4 months old son with me. I go to school almost every day except weekends and Fridays. My wife complains a lot because I do not allow her to go outside our house alone even for 10 minutes. She wants to go to the park with our son to get fresh air whenever she is bored, or may be go get some foods' needs while.. More
Is it true many people eating from a single large plate is better and is Sunnah? And if there is any Hadeeth regarding this matter?.. More
About a year ago, a decent educated Muslim man proposed to me marriage, and I accepted and told my parents about it. They accepted at the beginning but as soon as they knew that he lives outside our country, my mother refused the proposal completely, and she refused to even meet his mother who showed sincere readiness to interfere and make her worries.. More
I have a question. My question is I have a father but I don't call him daddy because I didn't stay with him for along time. But I respect him. Is just that I am shy to say daddy to him because I am not use to saying it, but I say mommy to my mom I am shy saying that. Is it bad to not to say daddy to my father. .. More
I want to know if I get a take home test from high school, can I ask someone for help or use help from a book, etc.? Is that Haraam? Also, I have gotten take home tests before from my economics class and I have used help, do I tell my teacher, or do I just make Tawbah to Allaah and not do it again?.. More
I am writing with regards to "keeping your word". At the end of last year I said to one of my cousins that I was going to take up sports with the coming of the next year.(Note: I did not swear I would take up sports, I just said it thinking that it would be OK and easy then). Now I realize that due to the amount of study I have, the cold weather outside.. More
I want to know whether it is correct for couples to sleep naked in the night. And how many times in 24 hours can a husband and wife have intercourse is there anything specified in Islam and medical point of view is there any restriction that it effects ones health and he /she feels tired? How to know whether wife got the orgasm after male's ejaculation.. More
I am an American Muslimah married to an Egyptian. I recently told him I have a form of autism, yet he does not believe me. I am really hurt. I am afraid that because he comes from another culture he does not understand. He says that my shyness is a choice and I could make friends if I really wanted to. I know shyness is a virtue, but I really cannot.. More
You mentioned previously that males should greet by shaking hands only, and that it is allowed to embrace after an absence or traveling. In certain cultures at special times e.g. 'Eed, men embrace and kiss each other on the cheeks, is this allowed?.. More
I did my secondary exams last year. During one of my exams the teachers helped us when she was not meant to. This exam accounted for about 30% of the mark for the whole subject. I though this was cheating so I repeated my exams and got a new certificate with the same mark. The problem is that if I apply to the university with the second certificate.. More
Is it right of a husband to not let her do things that she wants like visiting her sisters or going to a friend's house? But when he wants something its ok for her to run his errands. Can a woman go out without her husband's permission if he doesn't let her go anywhere for being too strict really turns a person to be evil? .. More
All praises be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. The biggest problem I have in my life is neglect/ heedlessness of religious duties that will earn me reward and cleansing my spiritual mind. I pray five times daily but my mind is usually not focused on the prayer, I lack concentration and sometimes pray at home. Sometimes I fast Mondays/Thursday, but.. More
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