If some one who was a singer died does his deeds will be continuous after his death. .. More
Sometimes after not seeing my mother in-law for a long time, I say Salaam to her and kiss her like my mother, and she is elderly. My wife also kisses my father, is this permissible? .. More
If a woman swears when she is in menses or in postpartum bleeding, is her swearing effective or not? .. More
What is the ruling of ejaculating resulted from looking, and does it have any health effects?.. More
I am sixteen years of age and my relatives gifted me money, and I did not know that I am obliged to seek my father's permission in donating it, and I have donated in charity much money of it without seeking his permission. What am I required to do? .. More
By profession, some pictures of women may appear on my e-mail, is it permissible to look at them? [What is the Islamic ruling on this?].. More
What is the meaning of "There is neither might nor power except with Allaah."? .. More
The family of a married woman wronged her by exposing her to prostitution when she was a girl, but all perfect praise be to Allaah, she succeeded to protect herself from that by preventing them. When her husband knew that, he forbade her from visiting her family, knowing that this happened a long time ago, and her husband knows that she is a chaste.. More
Is it forbidden in Islam for a computer man or T.V. repair man or a doctor to enter the bedroom? .. More
I heard a man saying: “Imagine that there is a frog and there is a fisherman who wants to fish, and the frog plunges down the water to inform the fish about the presence of the fisherman. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is like the frog, but the comparison is not the same, and the devil is like the fisherman.” I told him: “How dare.. More
Unfortunately, I fell into a very serious matter, which is that I affiliated to a Soofi group (spiritual Soofis) for a complete year. And I want to return to Allaah, to the true path, especially that I tasted the sweetness of worshipping Allaah. Am I cast off Allaah’s Mercy? In other words, I had wrong beliefs before, and now I abandoned these beliefs.. More
Last week I saw in a dream that I was performing the prayer and when I finished, I started reciting the Quran, memorizing and looking for some verses but I did not know in which chapter they were. So I asked a man and he referred me to another man and he said that is the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, so go ask him; I went to him and I found.. More
Who are the first people who practised shaking hands? .. More
I am fifteen years old and I feel that I am unsuccessful as my abilities are limited, so what should I do? .. More
I committed a great sin. I touched the private parts of my relative when he was sleeping, but he does not know about the incident until now. I was fifteen years old then, and I repented and greatly regretted what I did, so is this homosexuality? .. More
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