Is believing not in dreams kufr and saying that they doesn't come true. And when we say that we like certain Islamic thing more than that thing is it kufr.For example one says that he doesn't like much the tales of Islam but likes laws of Islam( just showing his own interest but not disliking opposing or not believing in the other one just ones own.. More
Asallam u Alaikum, Is it permissible for muslim to just observe a real live non muslim criminal court case online etc without taking part in it in any way. If they did would it be sinful or kufr (Allah forbid). .. More
We have to follow Sharia law and we also have to follow the law of the land. Is it shirk to not commit certain sins because of the law of the land and not because of the laws that Allah has sent to us? For example, where I live you cannot watch movies illegally online, so I do not do that, but I do watch movies legally like on tv and on the internet... More
What is the law/ruling (hukum) on someone who is a conspirator to apostacy (murtad) of muslims? .. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, I know that mocking or making fun of any aspect of Islam is kufr. I need a detailed explanation of how to know the difference between a joke which is considered mocking and making fun, and a joke which involves some aspects of Islam but is not mocking or making fun. This issue has been bothering me for a long time and I have not.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, I study languages at university and sometimes we have to do exams in which we translate a text from one language to another as accurately as possible. Of course these texts are written by non-Muslims and sometimes the content of them is very bad. If there are words of kufr, deviance or words that seem wrong to me even if I don’t.. More
As salamu 'alaikum. I am a muslim boy. I am not able to tolerate physical or mental pain. When faced with pain I used to swear using very bad words, and sometimes these insults were directed towards Allah. I repented many times. I loathe myself for being like this. I can't imagine what will I do if I am thrown into hellfire. Now I try very hard to keep.. More
When we are creating accounts on websites like Youtube, Facebook and Adobe, we are abiding an agreement called "Terms of use". For example, in the agreement on Facebook written in English (US) point numer 16.1, it states: "You will resolve any claim, cause of action or dispute (claim) you have with us arising out of or relating to this Statement or.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, In some of your fataawa you say that we should avoid labelling any Muslim as a kaafir in case there is some excuse for what he did such as ignorance. My questions is does that still apply in the case of what we see today of some people (in the West) who claim to be knowledgeable about Islam, appear on television and write books about.. More
what is the ruling on a person male/female who say that ISA A.S. has already died, there is no person of Imam Mehdi or dajjal towards the end times. Are they out of the fold of Islam? if so, is there an official proceedure to follow in declaring them so? is marriage to such a person automatically nullified and how do children deal then with such a parent?.. More
I ponder and wonder on the phrase “To Hell, and worst indeed is that destination.” Is it permissible to say this phrase upon the death of someone? .. More
There is a Muslim man who lives in a western country like the USA. He undergoes bad financial conditions. Furthermore, he pays the expenditure and financial maintenance of his family in his homeland. He found that he could change his conditions through declaring his conversion to Christianity and going to the church in order to have the nationality.. More
If someone said in himself I will give up Islam, does this make him a disbeliever? If it makes him a disbeliever, what does he have to do?.. More
My question involves doing a sin under pressure. Suppose a muslim is pressured or bulliied by kafir criminals to do shirk or commit suicide. Is he forgiven, if he does shirk under duress? Suppose a muslim is pressured or bulliied by kafir criminals to not pray for more than 3 days or commit suicide. Is he forgiven, if he does not pray for more than.. More
I read that this is shirk and takes you out of Islam. What are examples of doing this e.g. choosing to do something else instead of learning about Islam? '10 – Turning away from the religion of Allah, not learning it and not acting in accordance with it. The evidence for that is the verse : “And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the.. More
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