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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Some books mention hadiths but do not cite its source (Bukhari, Muslim, etc.), nor do they mention the authenticity of the hadith. So what should I do? Should I ignore the hadith, believe in it, or disbelieve in it? Or should I not read the book?
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Assalaamo alaykum. I have heard that Iblees (the devil) lost hope in Allah's Mercy when Nooh (Noah), may Allah exalt his mention,told him to bow to Adam's, may Allah exalt his mention,grave and he refused. Is that true? When did Iblees lose hope in Allah's mercy? May Allah reward you.
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I was wondering, what does At-Tirmidhi mean when he uses this: there is nothing wrong with its chain of narration for a hadith? Does it mean that it is weak?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is this authentic? Simak narrates that he met Abdullah ibn ‘Abbaas in Madinah after he had lost his eyesight, and he asked him, "[Tell me about the] clothes of Paradise." Ibn ‘Abbaas answered, "There is one tree in Paradise which will bear fruits similar to a pomegranate. When a friend of Allah will desire clothes, the tree will.. More
Is it possible/are there cases of a Saheeh (authentic) or Hasan (good) hadith having another chain which is Mursal (hadith that does not contain a Companion in the chain of narration)? What does it mean for the hadith then?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is this hadith authentic?
Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated, “We were sitting with Ka‘b one day, and he said, ‘If the hand of one houri were to dangle from the sky, the whiteness and the rings of the hand would illuminate the earth just as the sun gives light to the world. What I said was just regarding her hand, so how beautiful will.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is the following hadith authentic?
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, "The person in the lowest level of Paradise will have seven stories, and he will be on the sixth story below the seventh. He will also have 300 servants who will bring him 300 plates of food in the morning and evening... More
Assalaamu alaykum. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,was speaking about the people of Paradise one day while a Bedouin was present. He described how a man of the people of Paradise will ask his Lord’s permission to grow some plants. Allah will ask him, "Do you not already have all that you want?" He will say, "Yes,.. More
Greetings again, Scholars. I saw your latest answer on the Hasan-Ghareeb(good-strange) hadith according to At-Tirmidhi, and you laid down its definition as meeting the conditions of Hasan but having something different in its text. However, you did not say if a Hasan-Ghareeb hadith is considered weak or authentic/reliable according to At-Tirmidhi. Due.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is the following hadith authentic?
‘Abdullaah Ibn Mas‘ood narrated that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,said, "(The person in the lowest level in Paradise) will go forward until the palace is opened for him. He will be in a hollow pearl, and the roofs, doors, locks, and keys will also be made from pearl... More
Assalaamu alaykum. Respected Abu Musa, I have received one image from one of my friends in which the fasting on ‘Ashooraa’ is mentioned as equalling what follows: 1000 Hajj, 1000 martyrdoms, 1000 Umrahs, sins of one year erased, two years of worship, 80 years of worship when we send this message to other brothers. Thank you.
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Was Ibn Khuzaymah lenient in Hadith according to scholars? What have they said about his Saheeh?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. Shaykh, I came across a hadith in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari about Ibraaheem's (Abraham), peace be upon him, wife Sarah. As seen here:
Allah made the tyrant king's hand rigid before he could take hold of her. Some quote that she performed ablution.. More
I was wondering, if Ibn Hajar declares a hadith to be Hasan (good), does that mean that it might be weak to him? I heard a scholar say that that is what it implies? Is this true?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I want to ask two questions about the following hadith:
"Whoever calls his Muslim brother O Kaafir (disbeliever), then if he is not Kaafir it rebounces back to the one who said it."
I have found different interpretations regarding this hadith by different reliable and renowned scholars of different Schools of Thought:
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